Chapter 55: Rose

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Early the next morning, Holly, Damon, and Caroline were sitting in the Salvatore living room trying to pick up the pieces of what happened last night while they were trapped in the room with Katherine. Holly was feeling happy, the bitch was trapped and for once Holly could breathe a little easier now.

"So Tyler pushed Sarah and she fell and hit her head." Caroline said as she played with her earrings. "Matt doesn't remember anything, but both of them were compelled by Katherine, that's why I covered for Tyler."

"Well, the good thing is that Katherine is in the tomb." Holly said happily and then her smile faded. "Wait, that means that Tyler is now a werewolf and-"

"That he's heading straight to Vampire Street." Caroline said lamely. "It was the only thing that I could think off."

"Did his eyes turned yellow?" Damon prompted.

"Sort of. Does this mean that he's going to turn every full moon?"

"Yes, along with increase strength and who knows what else, speaking of which does he know about us?" Caroline avoided his gaze. "What did you tell him?"

"Nothing, much." Caroline finally said exasperated. "He really doesn't know much, he's freaked out, and I honestly felt bad for him."

"Caroline, he cannot know about us." Holly said firmly.

"I don't think he does, Holly."

"Well then good." Damon gave her a wry smile. "Because the last thing we need is more dead people, we already have enough of those. Remember that their bites kill."

Holly was hastily grabbing her history textbook when Jeremy appeared by her side. "Hey, Jeremy."

"Where were you this morning?" he asked.

"At the Salvatore house." She said. "Caroline wanted to speak to Damon and me, speaking of which have you seen Elena she left really early, but she wasn't with Stefan."

Jeremy frowned. "I was about to ask you that, I thought she slept over, her bed was empty and Mrs. Lockwood called this morning and told me that her car was in the driveway-"

"Oh, god." Holly shut her locker door shut. She remember talking to Elena last night and she sounded fine and she had promised to go home. "We need to find Stefan, come on."

Bonnie had managed to do a locator spell and they had found out that Elena had been taken, probably last night and taken down to an old abandoned road in the country, Alaric had let them borrow their car and they were on their way. Holly pulled out a box from under the backseat of the car and noticed the dozens of weapons crammed inside. "Wow, Alaric really likes his stuff."

"Hopefully they will be useful." Damon said from the front seat. "How much longer?"

"A few miles."

"Who do you think took her?" Holly bit her lip. "Someone from Katherine's past?"

"Probably." Stefan said and turned to Damon who was sipping a blood bag. "Give me some." Holly and Damon exchanged looks.

"Aw, that's so sweet you want to be all big and tough to save your girl, but don't worry I have your back and Holly must be good for something."

"Thanks." Holly snorted.

"No, I'm serious." Stefan argued. "I've been drinking a little bit of blood every day, Elena's blood so that I can learn how to control it."

"How . . . romantic." Holly mused.

"I think both of you have brain damage." Damon scoffed as a house came into view. "There it is, you guys ready for this?"

Holly nodded once to Damon and Stefan, they were in the top floor of the house and they could see two vampires surrounding Elena, the man seemed to want to be able to take her. Holly dropped a vase to grab his attention.

"Who else is there?" Elijah asked.

"I don't know," Rose responded nervously. Another sound, Elijah glared at Rose. "I really don't know."

"Up here." Stefan said. Elijah raced up the stairs.

"Down here." Damon said. A stake stabbed Elijah right in his hand, annoyed Elijah pulled it out and turned to face them. He noticed that Elena and Rose were gone.

"Excuse me, to whom it may concern you're making a great mistake thinking that you can beat me." He broke a wooden coat rack into a stake. "So I want the girl or heads will roll."

"I'll come with you." Elena said. "Please don't hurt my friends, they just wanted to help me out."

Elijah vamp flashed towards the stairs. "What game are you playing?"

"Our game." Holly said as she pushed Elijah against the door, catching Elijah off guard.

Elijah frowned. "There are two of you?" He wasn't able to say more because at that moment Stefan stabbed a stake through his heart causing him to fall dead.

Holly hugged her sister. "You're safe."

"Thanks to you, all of you." Elena watched Rose leave from the corner of her eye and noticed that Damon was about to go after her. "Just let her go."

Holly was just exited the shower when she found Damon sitting on her bed. "Damon, you scared me. What are you doing here?" when Damon didn't offer a sarcastic response she added. "Are you ok?"

"Katherine was right." Damon said. "I do have feelings for you, no matter how much I don't want to admit it."

Holly took a step forward, knowing where this was going to lead. She didn't want to reject him again and have things spiral out of control.

"Damon," Holly whispered. "Please don't do this, not now."

"No, hear me out," Damon almost begged rubbing an index finger down her soft cheek. "I love you Holly Gilbert."

"Damon-"Holly's voice became horse. "I can't . . . you know I can't." Loving was dangerous. Loving a vampire was dangerous. Loving Damon was dangerous.

"I know." Damon said almost sadly. "I'm selfish and you deserve better Holly, you deserve so much better and it's because I'm selfish that I can't ruin your life. So I'm willing to let you go . . . I just wanted to let you know."

"Damon." Holly raised her head. But Damon was gone.

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