chapter 23 part 2

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Harry pov
"Daddy I'm bored" faith said.
" do you wanna play a game"I said.
"Yes" she said
I got a piece of paper to play tick-tack-toe.
" I know how to play this" faith said grabbing the pen from my hand.
Faith pov
I don't like London she is mean I thought. Hopefully I won't have to see her again. " daddy you cheated" I pouted. "No angel I'm just good at this game" daddy said kissing me.
"It's late you need to go to sleep" daddy said to me.
" but I'm not tired" I whined.
Daddy sat me on his lap and cover me up and rocked me back and fourth and long after I fell asleep.
London pov
Of course dad was holding fate or whatever her name is. I looked on my phone and saw it was dead. I saw dad lay the girl on her seat and he put his ear buds in and closed his eyes.
"Finally" I said to myself.
I looked around and saw everybody sleeping and the flight attendant whatever they are started turning the lights down.
"Can't sleep" the lady said.
"No" I responded.
"Do you want a snack?" the lady asked me.
"Sure" I said.
"What would you like?" she asked.
" crackers and water" I said.
"Alright" she said before leaving.
"Here you go" the lady said.
"Thank you" I replied.
Then she left.
I ate my snack and stood up to stretch and sat back down.
Harry pov
I open my eyes to turn my music off and saw London standing.
"London you need to go to sleep" I said to her.
"Nah I'm good" she responded.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her out the seat and took her to the bathroom closing the door behind me.
" drop your god damn attitude" I yelled at her.
" you have been disrespectful all day and I'm tired of it". I shouted it at her again.
She was looking down.
"Look at me London ice styles" I said to her.
"What is your problem" I asked her.
" I wanted to be able just to spend time with you not you and another kid and I liked being the only kid" she said.
"Well London you don't always get what you want and you will just have to deal with it" I said.
"Come on" I said.
" I need to use the bathroom" she said.
"Okay" I said leaving the bathroom and returning to my seat.
London pov
I went to the bathroom and I looked into the mirror and I realized I was crying. I wiped my tears quickly and left the bathroom. I walked to my seat trying not to cry and "excuse me" I whisper to dad trying to get my seat.
I sat down and pulled my blanket over my face and let the tears run down my face. Until my dad pulled the cover down from my face. He looked at me and then he pulled me into him and that's when i started crying more and till I cried my self to sleep

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