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Avon's POV:

I fall to the ground and try to yell out for Farro.

"Farro." I scream but it's barely audible. Something is telling me just to lay here for a while.

"Avon. Avon. Are you okay?" Screams Farro as she runs up to me. I close my eyes and let everything drift away.


"You know you're in the arena for a reason." Says Haymitch.

"What? What do you mean?" I ask.

"Figure it out. I know you can. I can't say anything. But, if you figure it out then you'll know."

"Haymitch. I don't know what to do. Nothing makes sense anymore." I cry. Tears are streaming down my face like a waterfall.

"Think of the past, the Capitol, and the arena." He says and then drifts away.

"Haymitch. No god damnit! I need answers!" I yell.

Everything around a me drifts away.

I wake up to see nothing but a darkness.

"Farro?" I try to speak but it's still hoarse and raspy.

"Shhh. Don't speak." She says while focusing on the fire.
"Do you know sign language?" I nod my head in response.

"Let's communicate through that since you can't actually speak yet." She says and sits next to me.

"Where are we?" I sign.

"We are in a cave just north of the cornucopia." She says.

"How long have I been out?"

"A day."

"Who's all left?" I ask.

"Let's see...." She trails off and starts to count in her head.

"Five, including you and me." She says.

"Oh." I sign.

If it comes down to us two in the arena she will kill me. I'm surprised she hasn't yet.

"Yeah. Well, I'm going to get some rest. Will you watch?" She asks.

I nod.

She lays down and covers up with a blanket. I turn my focus to the small crack of the cave I can see through. It looks like she has moved a bolder in front of the entrance.

The entrance is already sort of small it's self.

I think about this for a moment and I feel secure in here although I really shouldn't. The Capitol could have put mines in here and I could set one off any second. But, I feel like no one can find us in here. At least not a career. I'm sure the cameras are the opposite. They have to know we are here.

Finnicks POV:
"Thank you Odair for your lovely services." Thanks another Capitol client.

I fake smile to her and walk out of her room with disgust. I button my shirt and walk all of the way back to my room.

I thought I was done with this entire thing. However, Snow found another way to make me do this.

He threatened to kill Avon slowly in front of me.

He must have seen me eyeing her.
He made me promise that if she does win the games, I can't even speak to her when she comes back. In his own words he said "For her sake".

Right now I'm not even worried about that. I'm worried about if she will live or not.

I walk into my room to see Haymitch on the couch.

"How is she?" I ask.

Before I left she was still passed out.

"Well lover boy she is awake. She's on lookout duty right now for your tribute." He slurs.

I sit next to him and stare at her. She looks exhausted. Her throat has to hurt still. Haymitch and I can't send any more supplies. If I could I would send her soup.

She closes her eyes and falls back asleep. I think they will be alright tonight.

"She really is strong."

In His EyesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant