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A/N: Finally decided for this book to only be twenty chapters. No kidding. Thanks for reading though :3

July 15, 2016

Third Person's POV

"Stop dragging me everywhere," Taehyung complained. Miyun was too busy looking around and taking photos of the aquatic animals in the aquarium to even hear what he was saying. Taehyung just sighed and walked closer to her, stealing her camera.

Her eyes widened, "Yah, stop stealing my camera away from me so that I could hear what you're saying.. What do you want?" She asked and laughed. Taehyung shrugged.

"I want to go home." He complained again, his lips forming a pout. Miyun chuckled at his cute expression.

"And when you're at home, what do you do? You still talk to me, right? Your life's full of me anyway. Come on, Taehyung, you don't hate this." Miyun joked and quickly swatted her camera away from him.

She then stole a shot of Taehyung. She thought he would look funny in the stolen picture but he still looks good. Taehyung was bothered by her taking photos but he tried not to mind.

"Urgh, fine then. You look like a manta ray, by the way." Taehyung said and pointed at the manta ray that just passed by. Miyun looked at him for a second then took a photo of him pointing at it through the glass.

"Can you delete those photos? I look horrible." Taehyung asked. Miyun shook her head, "Of course not, you look really good and I like to keep your stolen photos with my other photos of the scenery." Miyun said.

His gaze immediately diverted to her while she was taking another photo of the fishes and smiled to himself randomly. Why am I into this girl so much? It's so strange, he asked himself.

"Why do you always take photos? Why do you always bring me with you?" Taehyung asked, trying not to sound rude because he was trying to get rid of his default foul tone.

"Haven't I told you that? Oh well, this is me trying to satisfy my inner photographer self and it's also because I wanted to make an album of Summer 2016. I took so much photos with my family already You're in there because you're special to me, I told you that." Miyun explained, accompanied by a wink in the end.

Miyun never fails to make his heart pound. She never fails to make him feel the way she always makes him feel.

Taehyung cleared his throat, "Miyun.. Do you still talk to Junho?"

Random jolts of electricity flowed through Miyun's body at once when Taehyung mentioned Junho's name. The last time she talked to him, it was about him wanting to meet up with her in person. She thought that their contact is only limited online and that his identity online might be a hoax. She has no idea, and she doesn't want to get into trouble.

"Not really.. I don't want to." Miyun muttered in a low tone.

"Do you like him?" Taehyung asked. Miyun took a long time to answer for she moved away and took more pictures. Taehyung sighed to himself and laid his hand on her shoulder, "Miyun, I asked a question." He reminded her.

She looked at him immediately. "No, I don't." She said truthfully. She feels bothered having to answer that question for some reason.

"Alright then." Taehyung said in a low voice.

Miyun then pretended to casually take photos but ended up fidgeting weirdly with her camera. "How about the Ko-eun girl... do you still talk to her?" She asked in a low tone and suddenly regretted asking that. She then hoped that Taehyung didn't hear what she said but he did.

"Yes." Taehyung answered. "I think she's pretty admirable." Taehyung said, shooting arrows straight to her heart. From there, Miyun put her camera down and stopped taking photos. Her smiley expression dropped deep inside.

Did Taehyung fall out of love? Or is he slowly doing so?

"Do you two... talk often?" Miyun didn't care what he thinks of her asking these questions and let questions come out of her mouth.

Taehyung thought for a while and shrugged. "Yes, kinda." Miyun then let out a chuckle. Ko-eun and Taehyung being best best friends might be the next thing she'll know.  She doesn't want to know that since there was a tinge of jealousy inside her.

Why am I so stupid?, she asked herself, I let him go but I'm like this when it's about another girl.

"Don't you know who Ko-eun is? Ko-eun is nice, I met her in real life and I'm sure you'll make a good couple." She said, followed by a bitter laugh. Laugh here, laugh there. It's so difficult for her to keep pretending to laugh. Seconds after, she was walking ahead of him at a fast pace before she even noticed.

"Yah," Taehyung called and ran to her, holding her arm. "Don't walk too fast." He said. Miyun nodded quickly and shortly.

Taehyung quickly grabbed Miyun playfully and stole photos of her. Miyun's eyes widened and stole her camera away from him. "Stop taking photos of me, I look like trash." She laughed and attempted to delete the photos of her until Taehyung put his hand over the camera to cover the screen.

"Don't delete those.." Taehyung's voice was louder and deep since he was so close to her.

Miyun raised her head only to find out that Taehyung's face was inches close to hers. Taehyung brought his face closer to her and looked at her in the eye. "You look very pretty in those photos.. and besides, I took them." He said with a smile.

Taehyung pressed his lips against hers for a second and then pulled away, still smiling and then ruffled her hair.

Miyun was speechless, her whole body feeling warm with her heart beating fast unstoppably.

It was just a peck.

A/N: goddamit Miyun and Taehyung


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