Ch: 4 Waking Up

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Kissing&other stuff warning!
~~~Gumball 3rd person P.o.V.~~~
Gumball looks around the dimly lit white room, 'Okay, so the things I know; I'm in a hospital, I'm diffidently a male, it's night time, there is a strange boy asleep leaning on my bed, the boy next to me is really fricken hot, umm... What else...' He thinks then looks up and sees his bright pink hair
'Okay, my hair is pink... I might be gay, I don't know.' Gumball adds to his mental list of things he knows. 'Okay now what do I not know... My name, the hot guy next to me's name, who he is, why he is here, why I'm in a hospital, what day-' his thoughts are cut off by a groan comming from the guy next to him, he looks at the guy who is currently stretching obviously waking up. When the guy opens his eyes it doesn't shocks Gumball at how red his irises (the colored part of your eye) are, rather it shocks him at how normal it feels. The guy freezes, his arms up in the air mid stretch and his eye widen and lock with Gumball's.
"Y-your awake..." He says his voice filled with shock, joy, and one more emotion that Gumball can't quite place as he lowers his arms. Gumball opens his mouth to speak but the only thing that comes out is a rough scratchy noise.
"I-I'll go get you some water and a nurse" the guy says than stands and quickly walks out of the room. About a minute later he comes back with a cup of water and a nurse.
"Here" He says and hands Gumball the water which he happily takes and drinks in slow sips.
~~~~Flash Back~~~~
"Don't drink too fast you'll get hic-ups!" A child-like voice says with a giggle.
"I know, -Hic- I know Marshy but is -hic- so yummy!" A different child-like, more exited, voice says hic-upping through out the sentence.
"Told ja you'd get the hic-ups" The first voice says with a playfully mocking tone.
~~~~End Flash Back~~~~
Gumball doesn't know what just happened in his head, or who the to child-like voices belonged to but he desires to follow the advise of the first and drinks the water slowly. The water soothes his throat as he swallows and he sighs happily.
"Okay, I'm going to ask you a few questions I want you to answer truthfully okay?" The nurse says in a calm, soothing voice pulling another chair up to the bed and sits in it, as the other guy sits in the chair that he was in before.
"O-okay." Gumball says, his voice is still a tad bit scratchy but he rolls with it and waits for the nurse to ask her questions.
"Alright first question; Do you remember your name?" She asks calmly, looking at Gumball. The guy looks up at Gumball with a hopeful look.
"No." Gumball responds with a small shake of his head. The guy frowns, as the nurse nods writing something down on the paper on her clipboard
"Okay, next question; Do you know why your here, at the hospital? Can you remember anything?" She asks her voice staying calm as she talks. Gumball shakes his head 'no'. The nurse nods then continues with the questions for about 5 minutes asking the basic questions like; does he remember his age, does he remember what grade he's in, does he remember where he lives, ect. Gumball's answer to them all was either a small shake of the head or simple 'no'. All the while the guy sitting next to the nurse looks sadder and sadder.
"Okay, one last question; Do you remember who this young man is?" The nurse asks and calmly gestures to the guy, who's eyes fill with hope as he looks up at Gumball, who stares back for a minute before he looks away and answers.
"No... I do not... I'm sorry" He says glancing at the other's red eyes and sees them drain of hope and fill with despair, he looks away not wanting to see the sadness anymore.
"It's alright sweetie. It's not your fault. But you do have Amnesia, it will probably go away in time, but we can't know for certain." The nurse says apologetically.  "I'm going to go and call someone, I'll be back in a little while, you two talk and see if it helps you remember stuff okay." She adds and when they both nod she walks out of the room leaving them alone.
"Are you sure you don't remember me?" The red eyed guy asks when Gumball looks back over at him.
"No, not really... I mean I feel like I know you. I wasn't as shocked as I should've been when I was that your eyes are red but other than that, nothing..." Gumball says apologetically "What's my name? I cant remember it..." He quickly, and nervously asks after seeing some hope come back into the other guys eyes.
"It's okay I guess that's good enough for now. My name is Marshall Lee Abadeer. Your name is Barnaby Josh Candy, but I call you Gumball and Gummy" As soon as the other guy, Marshall, says Gumball he is pulled back into another flash back.
~~~~Flash Back~~~~
"You've never had bubble gum! You've got to try it! It's the best. Just don't swallow it." Says the excited first voice from the other flash back, sounding younger than before. After a few seconds of silence there is a gasp and the second voice from before, which also sounds younger than the other flash back, speaks up, practically yelling
"This is so YUMMY! Can I have some more, pleeeaaaseee, please Marshy! Pleaseeeee!" There's a giggle then what sounds like a plastic bag full of candy moving.
<flash back skips forward a little bit>
"Let's play Castle Marshy!" Says the second voice happily giggling.
"I'm The Vampire King! King of the Night-o-sphere!" Yells Marshy, the first voice, excitedly. There is another short pause and the sound of feet hitting the ground, and when they stop Marshy says suddenly
"Oo! You are Prince Gumball! Prince o...f th...e... Candy Kingdom!"
~~~~End Flash Back~~~~
"Guuummbaaalll. Gummyyyy, you in there?" Says Marshal leaning in really close to Gumball's face, their noses brushing, foreheads almost pressed together and Marshall's hands on either side of Gumball's legs.
"Yeah, I'm here... I just remembered something..." Gumball says hesitantly but not even flinching from the closeness but instead leaning his head forward resting his forehead against Marshall's. Marshall smiles at Gumball's action.
"That's good. What'd you remember?" Marshall asks calmly, looking into Gumball's eyes. Gumball looks into Marshall's eyes as he tells Marshal how he came up with the nick-name 'Gumball'. The entire time they stay with their foreheads and noses touching.
"That's how I came up with your nick-name." Marshall says quietly with a happy sigh. Marshall's warm breath fans over Gumball's face and he smiles.
"What is our relation ship?" Gumball asks curiously. Marshall reluctantly pulls his face back.
"We're best friends. Can I try something to see if it'll jog your memory? I'm not gonna kiss you." Marshall says finishing with a soft chuckle. Gumball nods in response.
"Okay. Scoot forward and sit up so your back isn't touching the bed" Marshall says as he makes the bed sit up some. Gumball obediently does as Marshall instructs. Once the bed is at the proper angle Marshall gets on it and sits behind Gumball, his legs resting by the outside of Gumball's legs. This position makes Gumball blush slightly.
"Okay, now lean back against my chest." Marshall instructs Gumball, who does so carefully. Once Gumball's back is fully against Marshall's firm chest/stomach he relaxes more and lays his head back on Marshall's chest comfortably with a happy sigh. The sound of Marshall chuckling and the vibrations from his chest fill Gumball with comfort and the feeling of home.
"Comfy there Gum?" Marshall asks after he stops chuckling. Gumball just responds with a slow nod.  "You remembering anything?" Marshall asks but Gumball just shakes his head 'no'. Marshall wraps his arms around Gumball's stomach.
"I thought I'd lost you. I don't know what I would've done I'd lost you. I've been worried sick, you'd been gone for months." Marshall mumbles into Gumball's hair. Gumball rests his hands on Marshall's.
"I'm sorry Marshy." Gumball whispers into the air feeling Marshall's arms tighten. Marshall moves his head and rests his mouth (a/n: not in a sexual way, you pervs) on the nape of Gumball's neck.
~~~~Flash Back?~~~~
"Hey baby."  Marshall says, kissing and sucking on Gumball's neck from behind.
"Mar... What are you-?" Gumball says but gets spun around, pushed against a wall, his hands pinned above his head, and kissed roughly by Marshall. At first he freezes but after realizing what's happening he relaxes, loosely wraps his arms around Marshall's neck and pulls him closer. Marshall taps the back of Gumball's telling him to jump up, when Gumball does they break apart and breath with their foreheads pressed together.
"What's up sexy? Oh wait I know, you are." Marshall says with a wink and kisses Gumball again pushing their crotches together drawing a small moan out of Gumball"
~~~~End Flash Back?~~~~
Once he comes to after having that Flash Back? He's confused, 'wait, I remember dreaming that. But why did it show up like a flash back?' Gumball things blinking quickly.
"Welcome back to the present Gum. What'd you remember this time?" Marshall asks his head back on Gumball's. Gumball shifts uncomfortably blushing not knowing what to say, or what to do about the fact that he's half hard just thinking about what he just witnessed. Marshall moves his head off of Gumball's.
"Uhm... N-nothing important..." Gumball says quickly hoping Marshall will believe him.
"Your lying to me Gum, tell me the truth" Marshall says calmly.
"H-How!?" Gumball says shocked at how well Marshall figured out that he was lying.
"Your ears turn pink when you lie, dude, even when you don't think your lying your body still reacts like it knows your lying. I've known you for, what 11 years almost 12. I know when my best friend is lying. Now tell me the truth." Marshall says as his hands moves to the lower part of Gumball's flat stomach, unknowing of that's doing to Gumball.
"It w-was a dream I had... Multiple times" Gumball hesitantly says blushing harder trying to will his semi down.
"Care to elaborate?" Marshall asks, Gumball shakes his head 'no'.
"Alright." Marshall says, after a bit of a pause,as the nurse walks in. Luckily Gumball made the semi go down.
"Alright, Marshall's mom will be here in about an hour to come pick you two up." The nurse says then once the boys both nod to her she leaves leaving them to continue talking.
A/N: I know I said that there wouldn't be a new chapter for a while but writing this helped calm me down a lot today, so here's a new chapter.  Thank you all for all the support, have a good day. And "Flash Back?" was just a flash back to a dream that Gumball has had multiple times.
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