Raging Skyline

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These blankets are actually pretty warm... even though... this is kinda my prison bed.

"Mm... mm... mm... mm..."

I almost wish I could sleep forever but... I can't let myself be that vulnerable in an enemy base. Naturally, I reluctantly rose up and out of the foreign bed.

Quickly, I glanced at the clock, apparently it's four in the morning? "Maybe I should yawn go get some intel on the Kunoichi while everyone's sleeping."

Someone's groggy voice brambled out of the darkest corner of my room. "Or maybe you should be quiet while everyone's sleeping, eh Nya?"

"Huh? Who's there? I've got a..." I quickly glanced around the well-decorated room before snatching an object off the nightstand and brandishing it against this intruder. "I've got a... lamp and I'm not afraid to use it!"

The person who was hiding in the shadows yawned a bit. "It'll take more than a lamp to beat me, Nya."

Wait I know that voice..!

"Ronin? What are you doing here? Get out!"

My uninvited guest sauntered out of a chair he had been resting on in the corner of my room, a cocky smile plastered on his face. "Aww and I thought you'd be happy to see me after our little tussle with the Kunoichi got us separated."

Ronin looked unharmed, a fact that I might have to change in a minute if he doesn't have a good reason for being in here. His outfit had changed from the last time I saw him, he was now wearing a simple white tshirt and jeans, a more casual look compared to his old armored clothes. Aside from that, he looked like his same old, obnoxious self, adorned with a straw hat I had seen him wearing a few times before.

"Hm... nope. Not even a little bit." I countered. "What happened to you and Skylor after the Kunoichi attacked?"

Free said that... you were offered a proposition... I guess she meant that you're working with them too.

Ronin pulled his wooden chair out of the shadows up to my bedside. "Well... when I woke up, Skylor and I were separated and the purple girl, Free, she had me tied up and was interrogating me."

So I guess she wasn't lying about the interrogation... so I guess Skylor is most likely alright too. If Kai were here, I bet he'd be overjoyed.

"What was she asking you about?"

"The ninja, you, me, Skylor. The basics." She knew... a lot of the information I told her though... it was ugh... embarrassing. Those girls are smart and dangerous Nya, I'd suggest you stay on their good side."

"So you just gave away our information?"

"It wasn't like that, Nya. Free is just... very persuasive."

"So you let her trick you because she's pretty?"

"I never said that! I said she's persuasive, they all are!" Ronin leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms in anger. "Look, a lot of the stuff I told them, they apparently already knew. If you're gonna leave this room to go "get some intel", then I suggest you do it as carefully as possible."

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