Chapter Eight: Touchdown and Girlfriend

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"Rachel if you don't get out of there we are going to miss kick off. The girls and Cullen are in the truck. LET'S GO!" Finn is yelling at the door for his wife.

"Gosh, could you be more annoying. It's your fault I'm in that bathroom in the first place Finn Hudson, so don't rush me. This baby is making me ill. Probably a boy, just to annoy me like you" Rachel says pouting and stomping her foot like she's a toddler.

Finn can't help but internally smile because she's just so adorable. All hormonal and horny. Finn loves when Rachel's pregnant. He gets her a riled up because it's so easy and did he tell you how hot the pregnancy sex is. Well it's really hot. She jumps his bones two to three times a day and still wants it when they go to bed at night. Retirement is great.

"Yes dear. I'm sorry for rushing you darling. Are you well now? Will you be okay at the game?" Finn says trying to hold in a laugh. He doesn't' want her mad at him just a little annoyed.

"Don't patronize me Finn and get that smirk off your face. You know what...just let's go" she huffs and Finn laughs locking the door.

She's in the Range Rover honking the horn and yelling at him "Finn hurry up. You're going to miss kick off if you don't stop dilly dallying." Finn stares at his wife in amazement and thinks is she kidding me. The horn startles him into moving.

"Sorry it was taking me so long. Let's go" Finn says starting up the car and backing out of the drive way.

Bella and Aiyana look at their dad with sympathetic eyes. They've seen their mom like this when she was preggers with Cullen. But Cullen being four didn't understand hormonal Rachel.

"Mamma, no yelf at dad. You was in the potty too log. He waited painting" Cullen said causing the girls and Finn to hold their collective breaths.

Rachel turns suddenly and looks at her baby boy. Looking into those cinnamon colored eyes and that Hudson smirk she relented.

"You are right Cul, I'm sorry I yelled at dad. Will you forgive me" She says

"YES mamma. Wuv you" Cullen says.

"I love you too baby Hudson." She says

"I not a baby. You gots baby in you belly"

"You are so smart" Rachel tells him ruffling his hair that matches his dad.

Finn and the girls breathe again.

"I'm so excited to see Chrissy play" Bella says.

"Me too" Aiyana agrees

"Big Brotha gotsa tick boots" Cullen yells. The car laughs at the little boy. "Cul, you mean he's going to kick booty." Bella corrects.

"That's right because he's a HUDSON" Finn yells as they drive into the parking lot. Quickly finding a spot they unload the girls and Cullen and head to the stands. He's only stopped twice and Rachel has girls cooing at her but too afraid to approach her so she goes to them.

"Hey good evening girls. I could help but you looking at us. I'm Chris's mom Rachel Hud..."

"Hudson, we know. I just love everything you do. Your last album was inspired." The teenage girl gleams.

"Well thank you" Rachel says.

"Can we get a picture?" The other girls ask.

"Sure. Finn come here." She yells. He leaves the girls and Cullen standing where he can see them.

"What's up baby doll" he asks as the girls swoon. Whispering "he looks just like Chris" Finn smiles "Nah, Chris looks like me" he tells them with a wink causing them to blush.

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