Funny mistake

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"You let him what?!," Emma screamed at Killian. He had the brilliant idea to let their son, their FOUR year old son watch a horror movie. You know, where people get killed and whatever.

And their son was too frightened to sleep, wich meant Emma had to sooth him at two fucking am in the morning.
You could see the emberressment in his face when you looked at him and the blush on his face.

"Well, yes but I didn't know he would have nightmares about it. I'm sorry for not thinking," Killian said and scratched behind his ears. He only hoped Emma would forgive him.

"He is four, Killian. You should know he has nightmares when you let him watch something like that," Emma sighed and closed the door to their bedroom.

"I know and I'm really sorry but you know I know nothing about these what do you call them again?" Movies" in this world." They lay on the bed and Emma rolled immediately on her side, facing the wall.

"Yeah I know, just don't do that again," Emma sighed. She was still angry and Killian knew that. So her leaned down to her ear and whispered.

"Is it too early for reconciliation sex?," Killian asked and he felt Emma nod but then she stilled like she was thinking about it. Killian crossed his fingers and hoped. After a moment Emma rolled back and faced him with a small grin.

"Come here, pirate." He grinned and went to kiss her but she stopped him with her finger.

"But if you do that again, you will be punished." And he could see the slight grin on her face.

"Oh, I look forward to it, love."

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