Chapter 27: Psychotic Little Fuck

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"Where is she?!" I frantically scanned the ice cream Shack once I arrived not even sparing a glance towards my shocked grandparents.

"Well wonderful evening to you as well." Pop had chuckled coming out of the little makeshift counter. He stood in front of me, the same ruthless man I aspired to be had crows feet by his eyes, the terror his name had, was long forgotten. He held a proud gleam in his eyes as hugged me with a tap on my back which I gladly responded to.

"Luca, darling I'm afraid she still out like a light" nana shook her head as she signaled me to follow her to the back of the Shack. What the fuck did Dani do to herself

"What happened?" I asked carefully tucking running my hand through my hair in frustration. If I hadn't had pissed her off this whole thing wouldn't have happened. I'll make a note to kill the Costello bitch myself.

"Well the little darling was eating a bowl of ice cream....she's a doll by the way, very full of stories. But all of a sudden she started vomitting, I asked her if she was lactose intolerant but she said she wasn't, she tired herself out and went to sleep" nana explained as we reached the little room where Dani was snoring softly wrapped in a fuzzy blanket.

"Sometimes I just don't know what to do with her"

"Sometimes I just don't know what to do with her"

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"Probably just a sick stomach darling it's best you take her home and have her rest. I like this girl very much Luca." Nana stated grinning happily as she watched me carry Dani off the bed. I smiled down at Dani...if only you knew how much of a psychotic little fuck she is nana. But she's a psychotic little fuck that I love

"Well you best be going the night is getting old" nana spoke as she guided us out but before we could leave she gave me a little bag

"What are these?" I asked since I couldn't really check because I was carrying Dani

"Choco mint chip ice cream, she informed me that my chocolate mint chip was the shit" Nana laughed pushing us towards my car "well go on then"


"What the fuck were you thinking" I asked softly once Dani began waking up in the morning. I hadn't slept fearing something might happen to her in her sleep.

"What the ---" she was cut off as she sprang to the bathroom vomiting all of the contents in her stomach. I quickly followed her and held the hair away from her face.

"This is what the fuck I'm talking about, you barely ate anything and you're vomiting like crazy" I asked through gritted teeth

"I didn't do shit Luca, I just ate ice cream got sick and asked for you" she shook her head, it was evident that she didn't want to start a fight. She didn't even bother to use a sharp tone with me like she used to. It was flattering that I was the first person she asked for but that wasn't the case.

"I called in Doctor Strom" I spoke stoically as she paused all her actions just so she could send me a sharp glare

"My brain Doctor?! Do you actually think I'd go through with it?! For fucks sake Luca you can't even trust me with this and you expect me to fall madly in love with you? Fuck off" she groaned lifting herself off the ground before stumbling in nausea. She scowled when I helped her get tomthe edge of the mattress where she sat crossing her arms with a completely pissed expression

"Think whatever you want Dani. I'm not doing this to woo you, I'm doing this to keep you safe" I spoke through gritted teeth annoyed at her stupid assumptions. She was a pain in the ass but she knew how to keep me on my toes...there's never a dull moment with Dani...I doubt there'll ever be.

A soft knock was heard and not long after Doctor Strom opened the doors

"Ah Dani how's the bullet been treating you" he smiled dragging his medical equipment towards the pouting Dani Shaw.

"Ah Dani how's the bullet been treating you" he smiled dragging his medical equipment towards the pouting Dani Shaw

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"It's fine" she mumbled in a barely audible way, huffing in annoyance

"She been vomiting like crazy since yesterday" I added watching as she turned to glare at me and roll her eyes in annoyance

"Tattletale" she coughed out as the Doctor took her arm for a blood withdrawal. "Ow! Fuck me! That shit hurts" she glared at the syringe filled with a good amount of her blood.

To pay her back I coughed out a very obvious "wuss" when she complained. Doctor Strom coughed to signal us that he had something to say.

"Now, I know that you mentioned her symptoms. Mood swings and constant vomiting.....if I may ask of you Mrs. Clemente" the Doctor spoke as he handed Dani a small package. I smiled when he referred to her as Mrs. Clemente. Dani was too busy ogling at the package to react, I looked at it to see what got her to shut up

Pregnancy Test

"There's no way" she shook her head disbelievingly

"There's a high possibility" the Doctor suggested as he packed up his stuff and gave me a pat on the shoulder before carefully leaving. I sat stunned staring at the Doctor's last steps. Could it be possible? It'd only been 4 nights since we had sex......

"There's no fucking way" she tried to convince herself.

"Piss" I spoke still trying to come out of the shock.

"I don't have to yet" she scowled at me tossing the package to me "you piss" she scoffed

"I'm not the one having a baby!" I groaned tossing the kit back to her

"Neither am I!" She yelled before the doors blasted open revealing a very excited Lila who held a water tumbler.

"Neither am I!" She yelled before the doors blasted open revealing a very excited Lila who held a water tumbler

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"Drink this fucking tea and piss right now you whore!" Lila demanded but before Dani could reply she got all choked up rushing to the bathroom to vomit

"Ugh! Let's  just get this over with! Hand me the piss device" Dani groaned yanking the PTK from Lila's hold

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