Insane Doesn't Even Begin to Cover It... Chapter 6

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The long walk home is excruciating. Deciding whether or not to run, the little girl is overwhelmed by everything. She just hopes her parents will explain what’s happening.

“M-mommy I’m h-home.” The little girl calls when she steps in the door, tears running down her face. “Mommy tell me what’s happening. I’m scared.” She whispers, walking up stairs and to her mother’s room. Her father was at work, her mother doesn’t work.

The room is in disarray. Lamps thrown around pictures broken on the floor, feathers from the pillows still floating in the air. Blood on the sheets explains everything though.

“N-no!” the little girl runs over, tripping and stumbling, only to see her mom lying half on and half off the bed, limbs bent in impossible directions.

At this point, the girl can barely see what’s inches in front of her, the tears are streaming down her face so fast and hard. Numb, she walks out of the house and leaves it all behind, she understands what an orphan is, it’s someone who has no one to take care of them. That’s what she is now.

The little girl shivers from the cold, glad now that she had listened to her mother that morning when she told her to bring her heavy jacket.

“M-mommy I miss you.” The girl sobs as she curls up on a bench where the buses normally stop, just hoping for someone to come along and save her.

I wake up in convulsions. I’m hyperventilating, and my hands are shaking. I can’t see straight and nothing is staying still. With bleary eyes I look everywhere around the room for my pills.

Finally finding the familiar red bottle on the table next to me, I barely manage to get one out without spilling them everywhere. It’s harder to breathe now, and I’m dizzier.

Swallowing the pill dry, I pass out again, falling back on the bed.


The next time when I wake up, it’s not to convulsions. Luckily for me, the pills had been right beside me. I wouldn’t have lasted if they weren’t in here.

But where is ‘here’? Sitting up for the second time, I take stock of my surroundings, the familiar padded walls, the normal sounds.

I’m back in my cell. But why would they put me back in my cell? Maybe they changed their minds? Nope I don’t think so.

Then the door opens and a nurse walks in with a tray of food, and she smirks evilly at me as she sets the tray on the foot of my bed. Glaring back, I act like I’m going to throw the pill bottle at her, and she scuttles out of the room. Ha, serves her right.

Looking distastefully down at the food, I immediately know it’s been drugged. I always know these things. Just the way it’s arranged gives that off. The overly stirred soup, so stirred that it’s too thin, the bread that was broken open in the middle and squished back together.

God do they think I’m retarded or what? Picking up the tray I go to my door and to the slot at the bottom where they can put food through and one by one shove each item through.

Then I go back to stand on my bed and look up at the camera in the corner. Flicking it off, I take the pill bottle and throw it, and luckily it hits it’s mark, breaking the camera lens.

Good, now I’m not being stalked on camera anymore.

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