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A fourteen year old girl. Why did it ever have to happen this way. She can't take it. How are we telling her to be strong when we can't even come near strength.

Hi, I'm Adrian Bay and earlier today, I witnessed the apocalypse breathe it's first breath. I was in my room upstairs when I heard my mom's gasp followed by an 'oh my god' and then my dad telling me to pack my clothes and that we had to go - soon. I didn't know what was happening, but at that time it was calm in the Bay residence.

I grabbed my plaid Jansport® back pack and unzipped every pocket. I opened up my shirt drawer and quickly pulled out my favorite shirt first. It's white with all these red and pink flowers on it with the words 'think about it' on the center. I stuffed that in my pack and quickly grabbed lots of cute but comfy tees. I filled the biggest pocket on my pack half way with the shirts, I decided to move onto pants. I open my pants drawer. I grab a couple comfortable pairs of jeans and two pairs of leggings and stuff them in along with the rest. I zip up the big pocket on my pack and move along to socks and undies but before that I yell downstairs, "hey what's this for anyway?" I then heard someone taking urgent steps up the staircase. It was my dad. He gripped the sides of my doorway and had a worried, wide-eyed look on his face.

"Adrian, baby, you need to hurry" he said in a calm voice. What?! Thanks dad for the details.

"But why? Where? Dad please!" I heard a bit of noise outside but I ignored it. He looked down and sighed.

"Hurry and pack! I'll explain." He pointed at my bag and I started to shove underwear and socks in my pack. "Ok, your mother and I were watching the news when an urgent message came onto the screen saying that there was a outbreak of something, I-I don't know the details on that but..." He paused "...then they showed this news guy on the site talking about the outbreak when this-this uh-thing ran up and um..." This time I filled the middle pocket on my pack full of underwear, sports bras, and socks so I slowly zipped up that pocket and turned towards my dad. He couldn't speak. But I knew exactly what he was gonna say. I knew that he would never joke about something like this. He wasn't like that.

"Ok dad" I said looking at him sincerely in his eyes but I was so shocked I could only do it for a moment and then I just blankly stared at my back pack sitting on the floor in front of me. What had just happened? I snapped out of my trance as I was collecting myself to my dad

"Adrian! Hurry up pack! Please!" At that time he just turned and paced down the stairs. After I heard him reach the bottom of the stairs I shot up from the floor and ran to the upstairs bathroom. I grabbed a big ziplock bag out of the cabinet along with a new tube of toothpaste, my toothbrush, the extra toothbrush, ect. After I put all of my toiletries in my ziplock bag and shoved that in the last pocket. As I was walking out of the bathroom my dad yelled.

"Adrian we need to go now!" That's when I ran to my room and pulled my hair up, grabbed my durable but cute combat boots and started to tightly lance them when I realized that the noise I heard outside grew so much louder than before.

"ADRIAN!" I tied my boots as quickly as I possibly could, then I grabbed my sweat shirt and tied it around my waist. I was half way downstairs when I realized what I left behind, the stuffed bear my mom gave me that was past down generations on my mom side. It meant a lot to me. I spun around and ran right back up the stairs, the noises were really loud now. Oh my god. The noises were screams. I looked out my window and what I saw was horrific. My neighbor Sonet was being dragged out of her house by these things. She was only twenty years old when five things ripped her open with it's teeth. I grabbed the teddy off my bed and ran down to the first floor.

"Dad!" I said when I reached the last step. I looked around. Where was he? "Mom?!" I screamed. I ran around the house and nothing. Then I remembered, the garage. I ran there. I opened the door with hope filled in my eyes until I realized that my parents weren't in there, and neither was the car. They left me. I ran back inside the house with tears drowning my eyes.
"No they would never" I whimpered to myself "They wouldn't" Or maybe they would. I picked myself up off the ground and ran into the kitchen.
"Ok if I'm gonna do this" I grabbed an empty duffle bag from off of the kitchen counter. It was left by them. I quickly grabbed a bunch of dry food like cereal and beef jerky. I quickly threw that in. Then I ran to the refrigerator and opened up the bottom drawer and got out as much water as I could possible fit in the rest of the bag. There was still just a bit of room so I thought I might as well, there was a whole unopened box of Gushers©. It's mine. After I tossed that in, I zipped up the bag and ran back into the garage and realized that they're was another car, my dad's other car. It was a dark blue 2014 Chevy Silverado. Perfect for an apocalypse. I opened up the drivers door and threw my bags in the backseat and ran back inside, upstairs, and into my room so I could get a blanket. Then I ran across the hall from my room and into the bathroom to get medicine, pills, cooling gel, gauss, ect.

After all of the necessities are in the truck I open the garage door. Right when the garage door starts moving I shove the key I the ignition and start up the vehicle. As it's rising I see these peopl-no wait...zombies.

Hey everyone! So this is the prologue to the new book I'm going to start writing! I'm going to start casually publishing new chapters to this book as soon as I'm done with my other book 'is this normal' if you haven't read it it would be totally awesome if you could! Thanks so much for reading!!!!!!! :)

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