You Can Change

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"New year, new me," they say.

Honestly you can change whenever you want.

If you set your mind to it, that is.

Every day is a new day, so you can start fresh each day.

"The sun will rise, and we will try again."

You relapsed?

That's okay. Tomorrow's a new day, you'll try again.

You do not need a new year to be able to change yourself.

Just accomplish your small goals each day and keep your resolutions in the back of your head;

You're working towards that.

But that's what you need;

To put forth that work and that effort.

Focus on something that drives you to continue each day.

But since it is a new year, create those resolutions.

Try and go forth with them.

Just remember all of this.

You can do this.

You can start anew if you please.

You can fix the aspects of yourself that you don't enjoy.

You got this.

So keep with this,

If you fall back, it's okay.

Just keep pushing forward.

"Just keep swimming."

I love you.

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