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Listen while you read:
The Beatles - Come Together


As they all stood outside they seen a herd of creos running towards them.

"Fuck. We don't have enough ammunition for all of them." Normani said looking at Dinah.

"Okay this is what we do: Mani you take the left leading some towards you." She said looking at Normani. "Lauren you-" Dinah turned towards the Miami native only to see her scaling the Eiffel tower replica. "Umm change of plans. Do what Lauren's doing." Both girls ran to the tower and began climbing just as their lives depended on it.

Lauren got her knife ready as the creos were climbing the monument at a rapid pace. Lauren held on to the metal bar from under her and carefully swung herself down to the nearest creo and struck it in the head with her knife. The creo fell, taking down a few others with it. Normani and Dinah shared a worried look and did the same as their quiet friend.

Normani kicked and stabbed at the creos as they tried getting a hold of her. Dinah's hand was getting blisters from her knife and resulted to just snapping their necks with her legs and arms. Lauren, however, seemed to be the only one still full of energy and was climbing and swinging from the metal bars like a child as she punched, kicked, and stabbed the pale creatures coming her way.

Normani was getting quite the amount of creos coming her way. The track star was slamming a creos head into the metal bars and another got a grip on her ankle and began tugging her down biting on her red vans. She quickly kicked it causing it to fall, but that only made room for even more to come at her. Normani was gripping the bar with her left hand as her right held her knife, stabbing the heads of the creos. She was getting more than she could count and suddenly one got a hold of her right arm about to sink it's teeth into her, but she elbowed it in time. As she did so two others had her leg and waist, pulling her.

Normani lost her grip and slipped.

She yelped as she fell, but 3 seconds of her falling she felt a strong hand grab a hold of her. The creos that held on to her fell to the ground due to the weak grip they had on the Texan. She looked up to see a grinning Dinah hold her up. A grotesque growl caused her to look down in fear and sure enough a creo was crawling up at her in an abnormal speed. Its yellow teeth visible through its black gums. She screamed in a panic and Lauren immediately jumped from her high position and swung down in time to kick the creo in its face, knocking it down. They all watched as it made its descent. Dinah pulled Normani up to sit on one of the bars and sighed in relief.

"Thanks." Normai said slightly out of breath.

Dinah smiled, "No problem." The two shared a moment of silence staring at one another until Lauren whistled at them to catch their attention.

They looked down to see Lauren already climbing off the tower only about 2 stories high, compared to the 6 story height they were sitting at. Lauren carefully placed one foot under the other when from behind a bar a creo jumped out at her causing her to fall the rest of the way. Lauren hit the ground first, yelping as her back colliding hard with the rifel that was on it's strap as the creature was on top. It pressed its whole weight onto Lauren, snapping at her with its yellow teeth as she had her forearm against its neck and another on its chest holding it back. Moments before Lauren was sure her arms would give out, Dinah showed up stabbing it in the head causing its blood to spill all over Lauren as it fell against her.

"Sorry, Lo." Dinah cringed as Lauren threw the body off of her sighing.

Lauren laid there for a moment as her arms were throbbing. She was going to be sore.

Apocalyptic Culture (Camren/Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now