Chapter 10

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"FEEL THE DEATH OF MY SPIT!" I yelled, shooting my spit balls across the hotel room to Jackson. A few plastered the side of his pillow fort, but I was lucky and I hit one right on his neck. He groaned at me in response.

"You will pay sir!" Jackson replied back at me, hiding behind the pillow I had recently shot. I smirked and reset my straw.

"I will win this!" I hollered.

"In your dreams!" He screeched back, firing a larger than normal spit ball into the open part of my tent.

"If I get one between your eyes, I shall be the King of Spitball Wars!" I challenged, aiming right for his forehead.

"Bring it!" Jackson replied. He aimed for me, shot, and I dodged it. I ducked below the blanket, and shot back up, sending a flying, spit soaked, ball of paper for him. Shock covered his face as he closed his eyes, preparing himself for the horrible impact.


"Awe man!" Jackson yelled, his voice cracking. I laughed evilly.

"Why so serious son?" I said, making my voice and face look like the Joker. Jackson rolled his eyes, making me laugh harder.

"Now that you have defeated me, I have something to reveal." Jackson said, looking at me, trying to be all businesslike.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"So prom night-"Jackson starts, but I cut him off.

"Yeah, you and Gabby got it on!" I said, and I smiled.

"Yeah, but we, uh, didn't use a rubber." Jackson told me, his face showing a tad bit of fear.

"Okay. She's on birth control right?" I ask, looking at him.

"She skipped the pill for a week because she didn't have the cash to go get it at the pharmacy."

"Is she preggers?" I ask, my face coated in a look of concern.

"I sure as hell hope not. I'm just a kid, what the damn am I gonna do raising a kid?" Jackson asks.

"Good point. She probably isn't anyway. You're worried over nothing." I suggest.

"Yeah, probably."

"Is it really that big of a deal?" I wonder aloud.

"Yeah man. You're responsible for another life. Another human being. Something you have to put before yourself at all costs. Food, clothes, a home, insurance, health." Jackson explains to me. I nod in understanding.

"You'll be fine. She probably isn't." I say, trying to make him feel better.

"Yeah." Is all Jackson says before going under his fort, falling asleep.


"Bro, wake up." Jackson said, nudging me awake. I groaned in response. "WAKE UP OR FEEL MY WRATH!" He yelled. I rolled over. Then I felt a hard, yet plush impact hit my face. I opened my eyes and looked up at a grinning Jackson.

"The hell man?" I mumble, shoving him away from me.

"It's noon bro." He says.

"Okay." I reply.

"Wake up." He says again, poking me.

"I am awake. I'm just resting my eyes." I tell him. I feel another impact on my face, and I realize he's hitting me with a pillow. I rolled over, and shoved him with all my might, making him fall off the bed and make a loud THUD when his body hit the floor.

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