Chapter 6

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"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." Ernest Hemingway


Chapter Six

Isabella let herself into Annaliese's bedroom and proceeded to flop down onto her bed in the most unladylike manner. But it could not be helped. Isabella felt nothing if not deflated and hopeless.

What saddened her more was the sight in front of her. Compared to Isabella's life, Annaliese's life was so normal.

Annaliese had acknowledged Isabella's presence with a smile in the reflection of her mirror. She sat with Julianna at her dressing table, fixing ribbons in her hair, while Georgiana stood behind Annaliese and combed her hair. Eva and William were both laying on their fronts near the foot of the dresser playing a card game. They were all in various states of undress, but they looked so comfortable and familiar with each other.

Isabella longed for that, but it seemed as though she would not get to experience anything like it for some time seeing as though her and Jamie's presence would make Luke miserable.

"Say good morning to your aunt, children," instructed Annaliese.

All four of the children turned to Isabella in unison as they said, "Good morning, Aunt Isabella," cheerfully.

Isabella managed a small smile. "Good morning, children," she replied quietly.

Annaliese frowned at Isabella in the mirror and sighed sadly. She finished tying Julianna's ribbons and said, "Children, go down to the dining room and eat breakfast with Papa," she instructed, lifting Julianna off of her lap and down onto the floor.

"But Mama, does it not matter that we are not even dressed yet?" asked Georgiana as she set down the comb on Annaliese's dresser.

"Not today," replied Annaliese. "Go on."

"Would you collect Jamie from the nursery on your way, Georgiana?" asked Isabella. "Would you take him down to breakfast?"

Georgiana nodded and took Julianna's hand and the four children wandered out of the bedroom, leaving Annaliese and Isabella alone.

Annaliese turned around in her seat and placed her hands in her lap. She smiled sympathetically.

"What am I to do, Annaliese?" asked Isabella. "I feel as though everything I was once sure of has collapsed. I do not know where I am going or what is going to happen." What she did know of was that her husband would rather rely on a stranger than her. But that was a vexation for another day.

"I think you will find most people in this country feel that way every day," said Annaliese. "We have been blessed in life. We have healthy children, a nice home, and a comfortable situation. We have a lot to be thankful for."

Isabella knew that Annaliese was trying to cheer her up, and had therefore neglected to include "healthy husbands" on that list. Isabella knew that she did have a lot to be thankful for. She was blessed to have a happy and healthy son. She knew that had Matthew and Luke not intervened in their lives, then it would be highly likely that she would be married to a rich aristocrat he would not care a thing about her.

But the fact of the matter was that her husband was blind, and there was not a thing she could do to help him.

"But," continued Annaliese, "I know that this is horrid turn of events for you and Luke. It is not fair on either of you." Annaliese rose from her seat and walked over to sit beside Isabella on the bed. She placed her hand on Isabella's. "What little I know of men, what little experience I have in understanding their nature, I know that they can be very prideful."

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