Chapter 28: Baby Bye Bye

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I can't be pregnant. There's only a ten percent chance of pregnancy when it's your first time. The chances are Grandma Clemente's ice cream was just too damn good that I ate way more than I should. But even I knew there was no such thing as too much ice cream. I swear to god this toilet seat is a brain sorting device, schools should have toilets for seats..they help you think better.

To piss or not to piss?

Chances are I'm pregnant and Luca goes all ballistic trying to protect me and shit orrrr .... the possibility that I'm not pregnant and he realizes he wants a kid so he goes as far as he could to try and impregnate me. Both choices were stupid.

To piss it is


"So?...are we going to have little DaniS and LucaS?" Lila asked through the door in pure glee. I let out a nervous chuckle as I waited for the results to fucking show up. When they finally appeared I finally let out a sigh of relief. Luca was still pacing around the room awfully quiet.

"Well?" He urged as I looked at the little white device

"No buns in this oven" I stated proudly grinning happily. Luca slammed his fist against the wall that I'm pretty sure if it weren't made out of concrete he would've fucking broke it. He made his way out the door mumbling that he needed fresh air. I continue my little happy dance as I showed the results to Lila but I jumped in astonishment when Lila started squealing like a hyperventilating elephant.

 I continue my little happy dance as I showed the results to Lila but I jumped in astonishment when Lila started squealing like a hyperventilating elephant

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"You little liar! You are prego!!" She squealed a little louder as she hugged me tightly then quickly pushed herself off me "oh my god I don't want to crush the little munchkin in your belly" she cooed at my stomach

"What the fuck are you talking about you crazy bitch?!" I asked, the result clearly indicated that I was not pregnant

"Two lines means your prego Hun" she chuckled pointing at the red lines indicated in the demonic piss device

"No...two lines means no as in no baby for Dani Danger. Don't you need three lines to be pregnant 3 to spell out YES as in yes Dani Danger is a kanga mama" I scowled at Lila who face palmed once I told her my understanding of the device. Truth be told I never even read the instructions or much less know how the damn thing works. I was just told to piss on it. So piss I did

"No! One bar means no. 2 bars means you are going to be a mother and Luca is going to be a f-" I quickly clamped her mouth shut. The first time Luca found out I had a bullet in my brain...he wouldn't let me leave the bed or do anything for that matter. God only know what measures that man would take if he finds out I'm the worst possible time too.

"You cannot tell him about this!" I glared at her as she nodded carefully. I peeled off my hand that had covered her mouth as she spoke

"But why not, he's the father" she stated in obvious hushed tone. Well duh Lila! I gave her and incredulous look and groaned at her obliviousness

"For fuck sake you know how he gets. He barely let me walk when he found out about the bullet in my head" I groaned grabbing the device from her hand and approached the cabinets. I quickly hid the device under the pile of clothes as I quickly opened the top left drawer to reveal my best I don't keep my friends in drawer...I was referring to my guns

"What're you planning on doing?" She asked cautiously once she saw me loading up my guns. I shrugged back at her and let out a sigh. The news got me tense and I needed some way to relax

"I'm going to the firing range, if I can't let Luca protect me I have to protect myself, I'm a little bit rusty anyway I need some training" I mumbled packing up a bag full of ammo and lots of other hand to hand combat shit.

"Are you fucking mental?! You are PREGNANT!" She screeched grabbing my shoulders as she tried to bring me to senses. The exact moment the door suddenly flew open

"I thought Luca said...she wasn't....? Oh my god I have to tell him!" Hunter laughed out in pure joy as he rushed to tell Luca but I quickly grabbed his arm.

"Tell him... I fucking dare you! And I swear to god you'll be shitting bullets for the rest of your fucking life!" I threatened pointing a gun right at his jewels but the safety was on, he's still my friend and I'm not planning on blowing his dick off

<<Luca X Dani>>
Bathroom Scene From Previous Chapter

"What?! Why don't you wanna tell him?" Hunter asked. For the love of god why does everyone question me?!? Have I not proven myself as a responsible human being?!

"Oh for fucks sake Lila handle this shit. I'm going to the firing range"




"We have to tell you something" Lila and Hunter spoke at the same time

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