Chapter 4

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"Shit's about to fly." Robin taps my bedroom door to gather my attention.

"When you say shit, do you mean actual shit?" I cock my head at him curiously before looking back at my computer screen. "I'd really not want it smelling up my room and getting over my stuff."

Robin doesn't say anything in reply and rolls his eyes at me. He always looks so done with my shit, but sucks for him because he's stuck with me for the rest of his life. He ignores my previous statement before continuing, "Dante just flew in with Celeste. They're on the way here. I estimate in less than thirty minutes." 

"Yeah, shit's about to fly." I nod in agreement and close my laptop. "Let's call a squad meeting." 

Robin cringes at the word squad. He hates the term after it became a popularized slang term. That's also why I use it all the time to describe our cousins and us. Sistering done right.

I text in our group chat for them to come up to our room. It takes less than a minute before Niccolo and Lorenzo stroll in. They jump onto the bed and lay there patiently. Enzo and Roman are arguing once again about something as they follow behind. 

"Bruh, Celeste is coming soon." I swing my chair dramatically towards them. It doesn't create much of a dramatic effect but whatever. "What we going to do?"

Celeste is our baby cousin. She's pretty much our precious baby sister even though she's seventeen. Still, that doesn't stop us from spoiling, teasing, and pranking her--quite frequently the latter two. 

"I didn't even know Celeste and Dante were coming. I thought they were in Cabo or something. Weren't they coming here in a few days?" Niccolo frowns and furrows his eyebrows in thought. 

"No, stupid. They were in England." Lorenzo corrects his twin. Niccolo shoves him roughly in the side. I sigh as they probably are going to start shoving and pushing each other. 

"They were in both Cabo and England." I insert before they start fighting each other. They'll never grow up. Ever. "Anyways, that's not what is important. Y'all always throw me off track. We should do something for Celeste. We haven't exactly seen her since she's left the country. The last time we saw her as a group was what, September?"

"We could just welcome her back normally." Enzo shrugs but I can hear a slight bitter tone. That's only because he screamed in a girlish shriek last time we pranked him. We got it on camera and now it's our ringtone for him. 

"Or we could remove the shower head in her room and place jolly ranchers inside of it. Kool-Aid is also another alternative." Robin casually suggests out of nowhere.

"Ew. As a girl, I would not appreciate jolly ranchers sticking in my hair. Do you know how difficult it is to get rid of that?" I grimace at the thought.

"Well, that's what pranks are meant to be." Robin replies calmly with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Of course. He's the main prankster out of all of us. It's quite surprising for some to hear that as Robin looks like the typical wallflower. He does look like a shy, quiet kid that's bullshit when it comes to him. Who takes the fall when nobody suspects poor innocent Robin? 


"We could do that old prank of putting an air horn where the door handle is. Her face will be priceless." Roman smirks. He loves that prank because it works like a charm. That is, until all of us fell for it a little bit too much. Now we all open any doors halfway just in case there is an airhorn. 

"Y'all suck." Lorenzo sits up just to tell us that. Then he goes back to texting on his phone.

"Rude." Niccolo plucks his twin's phone out of his hand and puts it under his ass.

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