Chapter 1

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Summary: A lot of things has happened to you and your mum; she decides it's time to leave the past behind and start of on a clean slate far away. Although it means leaving behind a few great friends you agree. One thing leads to the another and before you know it, off you two go. Next stop; Paris, France.

Chapter 1
(AN: r/l means random location. Enjoy!)
Im laying on my bed pretending to read a book, just like mum instructed. My grip on the book tightens as I hear the door close. I wait and sit still, not daring to move. I feel my anxiety beginning to consume me but I fight it, this needs to go as planned; and that can't happen if I'm shaking on this bed paralized with fear. I listen closely as the phone in the kitchen starting ringing. Mum's footsteps fill the quiet house as she runs to pick up the phone, I suck in a harsh breath, this is the moment where everything changes. Thirty seconds later she yanks open my door, "hurry" she whispers and runs off to her room.

My eyes widen, I fling the book in my hand across the room, jump out of bed, and fix the it just like mum said to. Then I instantly drop to my knees. I pull out the suit case under my bed hidden by the bed sheets. I rip it open and run over to my special box hidden under a loose floorboard. I grab the piece of paper inside of it and hastily put the lid back on it. I then get the backpack mom gave me and stuff the box inside it. I looked at the paper that had all the the things I was going to bring with me listed on it and in which place they should be put in.

My legs felt weak and my mind is blank, the sound of my heart thumping filled my ears as my mouth dried. Get it together y/n! We can do this we have to. Mum needs us we can't let her down. Take a deep breath and go go go! Just like we practiced hurry! I took a deep breath, game mode on. I swiftly ran through my room gathering all the things listed on my paper; first my backpack then my suitcase. I glanced at my watch I beat my record I have 10 seconds to spare. Thank god we need all the the time we can get. I slung on my backpack and wheeled my suitcase outside my room.

"Mum?! What can I help you with?!" I said as I threw open her door. She was getting her purse and our documents ready.

"Y/ n?! Honey close my suitcase please and wheel it to the door. I love you y/ n I love you so much."

"I love you too mum but we'll talk when we're on the plane ok?!" I said as I wheeled our thing out the door and down the stairs. Hallways down she took her suitcase back and we simultaneously put on our shoes that were waiting for us by the back door.

Mom turn on her flashlight as we run through the backyard, I quickly open the small fence and mom closes it behind her. On the road a lady I've never seen before waited in her car as we rushed towards her. She ushered me in the car and helped mum with the suitcases. In no time we were all in the car, seatbelts buckled, and on our way to the airport. It was a forty minute drive but I was assured by mum we'd make it there in half the time since it was midnight.

"Honey, this is Susan."

"Susan this is y/ n."

"Hello y/n, I'm one of the ladies that went to a book club with your mum, I've never met your step father and I'm moving to r/l in two days so there's nothing to worry about he wont be able to track you two down." She says glancing at me through the rearview mirror with a sympathetic smile.

"Thank you that's reassuring Susan. Also I want to thank you for doing this for me and my mum it gives me hope."

"It's my pleasure y/ n."

I leaned back and tried closing my eyes, my stomach was in knots and my hands were sweating. I was so nervous but I needed a nap to kind of recharge my energy. "We'll be okay mum, I know we will. I love you." I knew mum was even more nervous than I was, but she didn't want to show it.

"I love you too y/n" She whispered soothingly as I touched my mother- daughter necklace and started drifting away into dreamland.

AN: How was it?! Did you guys like it should I continue? Sorry this was more of a filler chapter I guess. Don't worry things will start moving along in the next two chapters I hope you liked it. Our background seems dark doesn't it?

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And then I'll know some people are actually reading this and i'll soon post another chapter.(oh and sorry if your name is Susan!)

Thank you!

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