Chapter 27

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The engorgement in Kell's trousers subsided by the time they exited the labyrinth, much to his relief. The last thing he needed was for the entire court to know Arden had left him more frustrated than any woman he'd ever known. He silently cursed at stopping himself when he had her right in the palm of his hand. In the privacy of the labyrinth, it would have been so easy to steal another kiss from her, to press her soft body against his, to caresses those curves he longed to hold.

But when he saw the relaxed smile on her face, he knew he'd done the right thing. Holding back now would only strengthen her trust in him, maybe even give him a chance of finding what Therrin had. The prospect of that warmed his blood like the finest brandy. Small battles win the war, he reminded himself.

They'd barely crossed the lawn before Dev ambushed them. "Where the hell have you been?"

"In the labyrinth," she answered nonchalantly. Her ability to ignore her protector's ire never ceased to amaze him.

"Since you left her alone to the vultures in there," Kell interjected, "I decided to rescue her and show her the late-blooming roses at its center."

The bright light from the throne room shimmered off her hair like sunlight. "It was very beautiful, Dev. The crimson ones are especially fragrant."

"Your consideration is appreciated, Prince Kell," Dev said through clenched teeth. He pulled her closer to him, staring at her lips as though making sure she hadn't been kissed. The murderous fire in his eyes dimmed, and his face softened as he looked at her. "Trouble, get inside. King Heodis suggested we stay in our rooms until he makes up his mind."

"For once, I'd have to agree with Dev. My father's suggestions are to be treated like orders." Kell brought her hand up his lips and kissed it. He didn't want to stop there.

She nodded, licking her lips. Damn, did she know what such a simple gesture did to him? "Thank you for showing me the labyrinth, Your Highness."

Dev tucked her hand in his arm and led her away.

Two guards silently filed in behind them when they entered the palace through another set of doors. As soon as she vanished from his sight, his muscles turned to warm wax. He returned to the throne room, dropping into a chair. Normally he only reached this level of exhaustion from a full romp under the covers.

Bynn approached him and gave a small bow. "Interesting turn of events, I hear."

"How so?"

"Your father didn't order them away in chains."

Kell laughed, the last of the tension leaving his body. "I knew he wouldn't make a rash decision."

"What did Dev give him? Judging by the elf's arrogant expression, you'd think it was some sort of blackmail."

"It looked like a seal of some sort. Probably something Empress Marist gave him to legitimize his title."

Bynn pulled up a chair and sat next to him. "Whatever it was, the king seemed pretty annoyed by the discussion when they emerged from the back room."

"My father is always annoyed when someone tries to tell him what to do."

"In the meantime, how did Arden like the labyrinth?"

"Oh, so now you're calling her by her name?"

Bynn looked away and chuckled. "Yes, I admit I'd been a little hard on her."

"Exactly what I've been trying to tell you this whole time. When are you going to get it through your thick skull that I'm right nine times out of ten?"

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