Chapter 35

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Arden tripped over a stray rock and went sprawling across the damp stone floor of the tunnel. Pebbles dug into her palms and chin, but she ignored the stinging pain that came with them. Her mind focused on one goal—to get back to Dev. Maybe if the Lady Moon smiled on her, he'd still be alive, and she'd be able to heal him.

Her lungs burned from running and the sobs that tried to force their way to the surface. She refused to cry. Tears wouldn't solve anything. Action would.

"Keeping going, my little Soulbearer. You're almost there."

She picked herself off the ground and began sprinting. Darkness obscured her path, but she felt as though something other than her eyes guided her through the twists and turns.

"Turn left and you should see the first torches at the edge of the dungeon."

She followed Loku's direction and quickened her pace when she spied the faint orange glow reflecting off the wet walls. Her heart pounded. Please let him still be alive.

She ran along the line of cells, peeking through the small slats until she found the right one. She tugged on the door, then shouted in frustration when she found it locked. Magic flooded her fingertips and blew the door off its hinges.

"Your magic grows more impressive with each passing second."

"Shut up, Loku." She crossed the room in a few steps and cupped Dev's cheeks in her hands. His clammy skin sent a chill down her spine, turned her stomach into knots. "Dev?"

A faint groan answered her, and she finally let her tears fall. Thank the goddess! She reached up to unhook his chain and lower him to the floor, silently cursing the fact that she'd dropped the key to the manacles back in the cavern. His eyes remained closed, the sound of death rattling his breath. Sticky blood coated his tunic and gathered in a puddle at their feet. "Hang on, Dev. I'm not going to let you go this easily."

She pulled him close to her and pressed her ear against his chest, focusing on the faint thumps of his heart. Every fiber of her being pulsated with magic as she directed it toward his wounds. A strange emotion glowed within her.

She doubled her efforts to heal him. She wouldn't let him die until she drained all her magic into him. Images of the damaged organs filled her mind. A bright white light shone from the holes in them, becoming smaller and smaller as they knitted closed. It was working.

The magic began to ebb as though the well containing it had run empty, and only a trickle flowed from the cracks. Please let this be enough.

A pair of arms wrapped around her to answer her prayer, and the steady beat of Dev's heart vibrated through his chest. "Shh, Arden. I'm here."

Sobs wracked her body when she heard his voice, and he tightened his embrace. She hadn't lost Dev. He was alive, and she was safe in his arms once again. Giddy elation made her head swim, and laughter mixed with her weeping.

"Sweet Lady Moon," Kell gasped behind them. "Dev, are you..." His words trailed off before he finished his question.

"I'm fine now because of her." His voice sounded raw, and she dared to lift her eyes to see him. Just as she saw in her room that one morning, a myriad of emotions swirled in the dark green depths of his eyes. Awe slackened the normally sharp contours of his face. He traced the wound on her cheek. "You're hurt."

"Just a few scratches. Nothing compared to what Gandor did to you."

"I'll rip his heart out for this."

"Actually, Larenis did that to her." Kell knelt beside them and pulled one of Dev's hands off her. A click of a lock echoed through the cell. One of the manacles fell to the ground. "I'm glad I picked this up when you dropped it."

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