#1 Contender, You Brought Her Back?

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"Dean, there is only three beds, oh and look there is four of us" I said, "yeah I know" he said, "well, Dean have fun sleeping on the couch" I say and take my bags over to the bed in the middle. "Cassie there is no couch, because we are only staying here for tonight" Roman said, "oh well then Dean, have fun sleeping on the floor" I say and begin to dig through my bag for my laptop, laptop charger and phone charger. "No one is sleeping on the floor, so Cassie you're just gonna have to suck it up and sleep with one of us" Seth said.

It has been 45 minutes of us arguing on who I am going to be sleeping with tonight (not in the dirty way c: ) sadly, it turns out I will be sleeping with Dean, Roman's reason was he hogs the bed, and Seth's reason was he fights in his sleep, I highly doubt that, I mean unless he does. I was browsing my Facebook wall when Dean started to watch what I do, kinda like a parent that doesn't trust their own kids on the internet, " Dean would you stop" I say clearly getting annoyed, " stop what sweet cheeks?" he asked. Instead of fighting I just lightly pushed my laptop cover down and put it to the side, went and got my pj's from my suite case and went into the bathroom to change and climbed under the covers.

"What are you doing?" Dean asked, "obviously going to sleep" I say, "but it's only 10:15" he said, "well I like to get to sleep early, so then I rise early and go to the gym, because I wanna be stronger for Friday" I reply, "ok then good night" Dean says, "good night" I say.

~Skip 30 minutes~

It was a half an hour later and all the guys were asleep, I was really cold, because Mr. Ambrose over there steals all the blankets maybe he should've mentioned that. I swear Roman or Seth turned the AC on (because it's June), and if they did they put it way to cold. So I know I said they shield terrified me and they did, but seeing as this was my only way to get warm again, I kinda snuggled into Dean's chest, he smelt kind- NO! CASSIE! We don't think that way about Dean, Roman or Seth.

~Skip to Smackdown~

I know it was only my second WWE appearance, I was going against Alicia Fox, I went to go get my attire on, that was until I bumped into someone, "Oh my, I am terribly sorry" the person said well it was a girl, "oh no, it's okay I should've been watching were I was going" I say, "oh I totally forgot my name is Harmony I am Smackdown's newest diva, well I compete on both Brands but this is my home brand" she said, " Well, Harmony my name is Cassidy, but you can call me Cassie" I say while smiling. "Harmony I hate to cut this short but I really have to go get ready for my match" I say, "don't worry about it, I understand and I'll see you after your match?" she asked , "Yes you will, okay bye now" I said and walked into the divas locker room.

Harmony was nice, she was younger than me, I am only 24, I bet she was like 21 or something, and she has a lot of tattoos, I have thought about getting a tattoo, but then when I think about it I would probably chicken out at the last second, cause that's how I roll.

I was at the gorilla because they had just called my name, Alicia and I were talking until her music came on, she did her entrance, then when my music hit, I walked out backwards pointing to the word "Shield" on it and turned around, slapping a few fans hands on the way, and kissing the little boys cheek at the corner of the barricade, when I got in the ring I when over to the corner Randy Orton goes to and put up the Peace signs to the audience , I was getting mostly boos now because my jacket says 'Shield'.

The match was a long one, we were probably about 10 minutes into the match, when she wasn't paying attention when she should be, and I hit her with my finisher, and went for the pin




"Ladies and gentleman your winners by result of a pin fall... Cassie" Lillian's voice went through the arena; I smiled and asked for a microphone. "Guys, I never really got to introduce myself", "my Name is Cassie and NEW member of the shield", "joining the shield was probably the best thing I could do for my career", "and Booker T since Kaitlyn is a Smackdown diva, I want to be the #1 contender for the divas championship", "and I am not asking, I am telling you" I said.

'Can you dig it sukkah' Booker T's theme song hit as he came out, "whoa, whoa, whoa no body just demands things around here" he said, " and you want a championship opportunity, then on Monday Night Raw, you will have one, against hmm... Beth Phoenix" he said as the crowd erupted into cheers, "but Booker that's impossible, Beth was fired" I say leaning up against the ropes, "you're right she was, but she was a talent the WWE wasn't ready to loose, so I signed Ms. Phoenix" he said.

After I got backstage, into the locker room, Harmony was the only one there, "hey we are gonna be here for a while like until Monday, do you wanna be roomies?" Harmony asked me, "sure" I said and together we collected our belongings and left to the hotel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2013 ⏰

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