Chapter 18

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I fixed my hair and makeup after quickly throwing on the dress I was wearing to Slughorn's Christmas/New Year's Party. I sighed as I walked out of my dorm and down to Neville, who was sitting on the Common Room couch.

"Are you ready then, Neville?" I asked and he nodded, smiling.

"I sure am!" He replied excitedly, holding out his arm for me to take, which I gladly accepted.

"Thank you so much for going with me, Neville. I'll admit, I was afraid I would have to go alone. I would have asked Ron, if he would stop talking to that skank Lavender to actually talk to me once in a while" I muttered and he laughed.

"I'm glad to go with you; Slughorn invited me and I wasn't planning on going until you asked me. Where is this thing anyway?" Neville asked. 

"Er... I think it's in his office. If not, then I have absolutely no idea."

Neville and I walked to Slughorn's office, making small talk along the way. I figured we were going to the right place, because the faint sounds of music could be heard from down the hallway. Once we reached his office, the blaring music and loud conversation could be plainly heard. I timidly knocked on the door and an already-drunk Slughorn opened the door and grinned broadly.

"Ah! Miss Smith and Mister Longbottom! Come in, come in!" Slughorn boomed, guiding us inside. Neville sent me a wary look and I chuckled; Slughorn definitely loved parties. Either that, or he liked feeling popular. Probably both, honestly.

Neville and I quickly separated ourselves from Slughorn and looked around for someone we knew and actually felt like conversing with.

"Oh, look - It's Hermione! Hermione!" I yelled, trying to get her attention. She looked nervously over her shoulder and relief filled her eyes when she realized it was only me.

"Hello Skylar, Neville. Sorry about that, I keep trying to get away from Cormac. I've just asked him to go get us some drinks. I hate to be a burden, but can we move somewhere else? I'd love to ignore Cormac for the rest of this party..." Hermione said and I nodded. She pulled Neville and I off to a dark corner and we continued talking.

"Hermione, if you hate Cormac so much, why in Merlin's name did you ask him?!" I whisper-shouted at her.

"I thought he'd annoy Ron the most," she said, shrugging. Hermione had planned on asking Ron, but decided against it right after I did because he was constantly snogging Lavender. She was really getting on my nerves.

"Even though that's true, how can you expect to have a good time if all you're doing is hiding from Cormac?" I asked and Hermione let out an exasperated sigh.

"Oh, I don't know. I didn't want to come to this stupid party anyway!" she said, making me laugh.

"Guys, is that Luna and Harry?" Neville asked suddenly.

Hermione and I peered around the corner and, sure enough, Luna and Harry had just arrived. Slughorn quickly grabbed Harry and hauled him off to meet some famous bloke.

I muttered a quick, "I'll be back" to Hermione and Neville and walked over to where Harry was being annoyed by author Eldred Worple.

"I'm definitely not interested" I heard Harry say and I smirked.

'Way to be rude, Harry' I thought.

"Excuse me, sir, but I was wondering if I might borrow Harry for awhile" I said sweetly, walking up to Worple and Slughorn.

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