New Years Eve with (Ethan)

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Writer: Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or errors

Alana's POV:
It is the morning of New Years Eve and things are going just great in New York. Tonight is the big night because when the clock hits 12:00 it is a new year, and also because it will be a year ago me and Ethan met. So I grab my phone and text Ethan saying " Hey babe was just wondering if you are not busy tonight maybe we can go to the Brooklyn bridge and watch the fire works together, it will be fun".

5 minutes later...

I get a text from Ethan saying " Sorry babe I was just taking a shower, but yeh sure wouldn't miss it for the world, and it is a special time for us tonight ". And I replied by saying " I know funny because I was thinking about it to, when that clock hits 12:00 not only will it be a new year but a year ago me and you met".and he said " I know and if I didn't have you I would probably be miserable all my life, because you are the one that makes me smile". And I said " AWWW me to babe, but umm what time do you want to pick me up?" he said " What about 9:30 we can also get dinner" "ok sounds good" I said
He said " cool cya then".

Ethan's POV:
I am so glad that me and Alana are going go to the Brooklyn Bridge and watch the fire works together, it's going to be so fun and this is definitely going to be a good memory together.

Hours later...

Alana's POV:
It's nearly 9:30pm so I walk to my closet and get out some black leggings, a warm sweater, socks and boots. I do my hair and put on just a little bit of makeup and I am complete.

Ethan's POV:
I am about to leave the house, to pick up Alana. I got dressed did my hair and I am ready to go so I jump into my car and drive off.

A few moments later...

Alana's POV:
I'm in my room still making sure I look ok, then I hear a BEEP! BEEP! In the front of my house so I run to the kitchen grab my handbag and go strait out the door. It's Ethan waiting for me to get in his car. I lock the door and as I am about to open the car door he gives me a big smile, and I smile back at him. I open the door and sit down, put my seat belt on and as soon as I look at him he goes strait to my lips and kisses me stoping me from speaking, but I just went with it kissing him back. After we stopped kissing I said with a smile (Conversation)
Me: Well hi to you to (chuckles)
Ethan: (chuckles) Well what can I say I missed you.
Me: Me to, well can we go now?
Ethan: Sure

Strait away Ethan hits the peddle and we are off to the Brooklyn bridge to celebrate. Ethan looks so happy today, I mean don't get me wrong he is everyday but I think he is really excited to celebrate this night with me, which I am happy about.

Ethan's POV:
Even if I spend one day without Alana, there is never a day I won't call her because she is always on my mind 24/7. I am so happy we are sharing this night together celebrating New Years and when we first met.

About 30 minutes later...

Alana's POV:
We arrived at the Brooklyn bridge and there is so many people talking and sitting down waiting for the fire works to happen, but there is still a couple more hours until that happens. What's funny is I have never been to the Brooklyn bridge before and I live in New York so this is the first time for me. As I am gazing out the window Ethan quickly gets out of the car and runs to the other side to open the door for me. He opens the door and says "here you go madam" I giggle and say " why thank you". I grab my handbag and get out of the car, then Ethan locks the car and we walk down the streets to see what we can have for dinner. We see a pizza place on the opposite side of us I know Ethan really loves pizza so I bet he will say something about that, but it's fine with me I'm a big fan of pizza anyway.Then I hear Ethan say " Hey Alana, do you want pizza tonight or do you feel like something else", " Yeh that's fine with me" he smiled at me.

Ethan's POV:
We kept walking and we arrived at the pizza parlour, we walked in and ordered our pizzas, then found a table to sit at.

About 15 minutes later....

Our pizzas where ready, then one one the waiters brought our pizzas to our table. We started to eat and Alana said (Conversation)
Alana: Hey Ethan
Me: Yes
Alana: You know interesting fact I have never been here before
Me: You mean near the Brooklyn bridge?
Alana: Yeh
Me: Well I guess it's your first time with me
Alana: Yes I guess it is

After a couple hours...

Alana's POV:
I grabbed my phone out of my hand bag and checked the time I realised me and Ethan have been talking for hours and not actually looking at the time. I said " Ethan its 11:40pm we better get going, but the pizza was great". And he said " Yeh we probably should". So he wanted to pay the bill and the next time we went out I would. So he payed for the pizzas and we walked to the bridge, it wasn't a long distance but we just wanted to get there in time for the fire works.

A few minutes later...

We arrived at the bridge and there is so many people there sitting down waiting. Me and Ethan find a good spot on the bridge and sat down together. We held hands and he wrapped his arms around me tight, it made me feel so loved and cared for. I wrap my arms around him and we both smile together it was so romantic. Ethan said (Conversation) 
Ethan: Alana this first year well nearly first year of us being together has been a life changing experience, you have always been there for me and I appreciate it so much Alana I love you.
Me: Ethan this year being with you has been my greatest year ever, you have always been there for me till the end, you are the one that makes me smile when I am sad, you are the one that makes sure nothing bad happens to me, you are the one that gave me an  adorable puppy, Ethan I love you so much.

Me and Ethan are just staring into each other's eyes and then all of a sudden PIW! BOOM! BOOM! PIW! our eyes go strait to the fire works and then back at each other and I lean into kiss him and he just grabs me and pushes my lips to his lips...After a long kiss he pulls back and says "Happy New Year Babe" and I replied saying "Happy New Year".

Ethan Dolan// ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now