Chapter 7 - skinny love

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"Tay-belle, you don't understand." Brad's eyes darkened, he said in a monotone.

"You can't just shut me out like this." 

"It's Blake, I need to meet him okay? You won't get it."

"What does you brother have to do with any of this?" 

"Just go away." 

"I just lost Travis, I don't want to loose you too." I whispered.

His eyes softened instantly and his eyes searched mine. His arms pulled me into a warm hug and I buried my head in his chest.

"You won't loose me. I promise."    

"At least not like how you lost Travis." he added quietly.



Taylor's POV

Brad's eyes were laced in moisture. His jaw tight and his fists clenched at his sides. 

The hurt in his eyes were clear, obvious. I forced down the lump in my throat. I wanted to hug him so bad, apologising again and again for hurting him. I wanted to beg and ask what did I do wrong. All this time I've been pondering. Was it my fault? Was it really just me? Did he get tired of me? Was I too annoying? What the fuck did I do? But at the same time I wanted to punch him, scream at him at the top of my lungs, beat the crap out of him and knee him in the balls for leaving me and ditching me without as so much as a word of fuck off. 

He smashed into me, engulfing me in a hug. his arms tight around my waist as if I would fly away any moment. His blonde locks were buried in the crook of my neck as he bit back tears. My feet were off the ground with the strength he was holding me. I found my fists clenched from the impact. 

I was too in shock to respond. 

He let go. Ouch. He stepped back, straightened himself out. His eyes darted to the left avoiding my gaze. His palms slipped into his pockets. His eyes were gazing around the room casually. What the fuck?  He was looking up the ceiling, on the walls, basically anywhere but me. He even shifted his weight. He looked so casual that I felt out of place. This guy was the master of masks. The casual mall look. He looked like he was just waiting for the bus at a bus stop. I swear if he whistled.

He whistled "Marry had a little lamb". 


My palm wrapped around the metal doorknob as a scoff escaped my lips. The whistle tune was cut off when the door slammed behind me. The nerve of some people. 

I heaved a sigh as I leaned back against the door. I didn't hear shuffling, or whistling-anymore-. Nothing. Was this guy even human? I swear, his mind works like a malfunctioning robot. I chuckled at the thought and shook my head...then frowned after processing what happened again. I groaned in frustration. 


"Tayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy where arrrrrrre youuuuuu!" Lynn's loud voice pulled me out of my thoughts as her red sparkle dress came into view.

"Hey!" I forced out a smile.

"Oooooh myyyyy gooooooooddddddddddd" she slurred. 

She stepped walked quirkily and her heels did nothing to help. 

"oof" yeap. She just went head first into a wall.

"Lynn." I said slowly making my way to her. "Are you drunk?" 

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