Not a chapter but please read!!!

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Hey everyone! Sorry about the very slow updates. I've been swamped with school and other things that I've had no time and little motivation to write anything. But I have decided to write another story. Like all my stories it will have slow updates but it will be worth the wait and will make you want more at the end. Please check it out! It's called 'Not Who I Thought I Was'. It's a self-harm/depression love story but the twist is that it's also a werewolf story. It's my first time writing one so bear with me. All my information is a compilation of info I've gathered from reading a ton if werewolf fan fiction stories. The prologue is up and I plan on putting up the first chapter witching the next 24 hours. So check back often! Thanks for reading this and being patient! I will also try to update this story too but I will only update it if you guys follow these directions:

1. If you read any of my other stories please comment on the first chapter (or if you've already stared reading my other stories then comment on the chapter you are on/the most recent chapter).

2. Say that you saw this update in the comment but say the title if the story you saw it first on (read till the end to know why).

4. Then put any electronic emoji you want at the end.

5. Vote for this chapter once you are done.

That's how I'll know you saw this. Once I have at least 10 comments total from all of my stories (not including this one) from 10 different people, then I will update this story. I will do this same thing on all my stories. So if this is the first story you saw this in then you can't do the comment thing on here. I will check.

Any questions?

Thank you! Bye!


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