Chapter 25

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I won't even. I'm sorry.
"This is stupid." Artemis grumbled, trailing after Alby and Newt who were moving through the trees at an abnormal speed.
"If you guys would just stop for a minute and think about this, you'd realise that we don't remember anything either."
They ignored her. They finally reached the wall, where Thomas and Teresa were seated.
Thomas looked alarmed, "What is it?"
"The doors aren't closing." Alby said, he pointed at Teresa accusingly. "What did you do?"
"Alby she didn't do anything!" Missie and Thomas said together.
"I triggered the ending." Teresa murmured.
"Alby," Newt said, "we need to prepare for the night. We can put the girl in the slammer."
"What!?" Missie exclaimed.
"Missie don't argue." Alby said before heading away.
"Newt. I'm not letting her go alone. I'll stay with her in the slammer." Artemis said.
Newt pinched the bridge of his nose, "No, Artemis, you're not."
"Yeah okay. Sure, you can totally tell me what to do." She turned to leave but Newt grabbed her arm. "The Slammer is probably the safest place here. She'll be fine."
"It's okay Artemis, I'll be fine." Teresa assured her.
Artemis struggled against Newts grip, but he was strong.
They were joined by Clint and Jeff who announced that they were there to take Teresa to the Slammer.
Clint gave Teresa a dirty look.
"He's just mad because I beat him up." Teresa explained.
At Artemis's raised brow she said, "How else do you think I got in there alone?"
Missie pulled at her arm. "Newt!"
He began to drag her away.
"Newt! Let go!"
"Be quiet, Missie."
"No! Unhand me! Now! Newt!"
He dragged her to the homestead and let go.
"Stop bloody putting yourself in danger, Artemis." He snarled before limping off to help carry supplies into the homestead.
Missie stood there, baffled. She then went to fetch her bow from her tent where she found Chuck. "Shouldn't you be helping, Chuckles?"
Chuck shrugged. Missie found her bow and her quiver, which only had a few arrows left.
"Hey, Chuck, head into the homestead, I'll be there in a moment."
Chuck narrowed his eyes.
Missie chuckled, "I swear, save me a spot. I'm just going to stock up."
"On what?" Chuck asked.
Missie laughed and ruffled his hair, "See you in a bit."
She headed to the kitchen where Minho was scarfing down a sandwich.
"Hey Minho"
He just glanced at her.
"Did you find anything in the maze?"
"Do you think that this is my fault, too?"
Still nothing.
"Minho, come on. You know me! Why would I...I mean, I wouldn't..." She sighed and folded her arms, "its not like I wanted this."
Minho raised a brow.
"Those damn creators and their quest for Missie. Griever attack? Missie! Injuries? Missie! The bloody sky is gone? What was that? Oh, right. Bloody Missie!" Artemis growled.
She was shocked to hear Minho's low chuckle.
"Missie it's amazing what I can get out of you just by keeping mouth shut. Frankly, I don't think it matters whether this is because of you or not. You didn't actually do it, did you?"
"No, but-"
"But nothing. Now, I don't think you came here to watch me eat, however entertaining slash fascinating the sight might be," he gulped down the last of his sandwich and rubbed his hands together, "What do you need?"
"You expecting a fight."
"Not at all, Griever's are just coming over for dinner, no biggie. Not like we're the dinner or anything."
"A simple ' yes' would've been fine."
"Yeah yeah, so can you pull out your magical key and open the weapon chamber."
Minho pulled out the keys.
"Here, go get them, lock up when you're done."
Artemis gave him a surprised look. "You're actually-"
"Yes I am. Now go. The sun is setting. You don't wanna be Griever dinner, do you?"
Missie rolled her eyes and headed for the highly secured weapon room.
She might've taken a bit longer than usual, admiring all the weapons. She finally got what she needed and left.
She cussed, the sun was out of sight. Thomas was the only one out. He was standing by the homestead, looking very angry. "You sure you done?" He asked, "don't wanna, take another few hours?"
"I'm sorry!"
He grabbed her fore arm tightly and dragged her to the homestead, practically throwing her in, boys immediately began to barricade the doors. Thomas frowned at Missie and went to sit by Newt. Missie huffed and looked around for Chuck, she found him at the foot of the stairs.
"Did you poke Thomas with a pencil?"
"What? No. He'll be okay...I guess."
As Missie sat in the silence of the homestead, the weight of it came crashing down on her. She knew the Griever's. She'd seen them. They were the stuff of her nightmares. And now the only protection they had against them was gone. The Griever's were coming and Missie didn't know that they had a chance against them. She couldn't sleep. Her grip on her bow tightening and loosening. Someone had handed out blankets. Chuck had fallen into a fitful sleep, his head on Missie's lap.
The suspense was killing her, she found herself wishing the things would just show up and get it over with.
Boys were dozing off around her, Missie wished she could sleep, too.
It was nearly midnight when Missie heard them. The moans, coming from deep within the maze along with the metallic clicking.
Missie crouched and held her weapon at the ready. The Griever's were in the Glade now, she could hear them shrieking as they searched around. Everyone was silent. A Griever was drawing closer to the homestead, It's attachments scratching against the wood. Suddenly, the window right next to Missie burst, a long metal arm reached in. They all swarmed to the opposite wall. The Griever tried to fit its huge body through the window, but it was currently stuck. There was a commotion upstairs. A few boys ran downstairs, Clint was among them.
Just then, as if the universe was on some sort of mission to completely ruin Artemis's minute chance of survival, Gally ran Dow the stairs, his eyes red, his pupils dilated.
"You!" He pointed at Artemis and launched at her.
"Gally!" She heard Newt say as if he was a million miles away.
Gally pinned her down by her wrists.
"It's you! Its all you! One every day! One every day, they want you!"
"Gally calm down, let her go!" Minho yelled.
"You don't get it! None of you get it! They will keep on coming until they get her!" Gally growled.
"We can end it..." He murmured, "We can..."
He got a far away look in his eyes. Then, in one fluid motion, Gally stood up, pulling Missie with him, he wrapped his as around her and ran to the Griever. Artemis tried in vain to stop him. The Glader's cries were lost on him.
She didn't remember being stung. She couldn't even tell you what the needle looked like. Or felt like. She only remembered the pain afterwards and Thomas's voice in her head.
I'm taking some, Missie.
Taking some of what? She wanted to ask.
But the darkness washed over her, she remembered thinking that she sure was passing out a lot lately.
If you still have patience and are actually reading this...THANK YOU. You're awesome. Please vote and comment.
Love, Nica.

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