Part 50

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*few weeks later*

*Neymar's P.O.V*

I was sitting opposite of Marc with lunch. (They are back in school if you don't remember- few weeks ago it was still summer vacation, now not anymore-makes sence XD)

"Are you going to marry Julie?" I asked him as I started digging in my food. Marc chocked. "what?" Marc was able to say when he stopped chocking. "You told your parents now she's pregnant, so are you?" I asked him. "Not now, we still need to finish school and take care of the babies. Why ask?" He said.

Should I...?

"Woohoo" Marc snapped his fingers in front of my eyes. "Earth to Neymar." He said. "Yeah, yeah." I said and continued eating. I was peacefully eating until Marc kicked my leg under the table. "Au! I still need to play football with that leg!" I said. "I asked you something, remember?"

I do, I just don't know what to say.

"Well?" He asked me. "Just curious." I lied. Well not really, I was curious, but for another reason. "Tell me." Marc said and stared at me. "You're just like Geri man! He also always knows everything." I gave in. "Well, Julie can be worse." Marc said. Subject change, use it!

"Oh really, for what example?" I asked him. "I'll tell you later, now tell me the real reason why you asked." He said. I haven't said anything yet when Marc's face expression changed. "Are you-?" He asked. I haven't-again-said anything when he started talking. "Really? Like, really real for real?" He asked me. I nodded lightly.

*Eliana's P.O.V*

I still can't, I can't. I can't forget, I can't get over it. It was the truth! It was the truth that we didn't kissed, but it feels like a lie.

In these past few weeks I still somehow couldn't get over it. Some moments I completly forget, I'm happy with Neymar. It's perfect! But other moments it haunts me that I cheated on him. why?

I even talked to Sergi, everything is okay now! Neymar and I are okay, just why?!

*(even more) weeks later*

*still Eliana's P.O.V*

I don't give a damn shit about it anymore! I forget and erased! A hundered percent! Well, maybe not when I'm around Sergi... I still get this weird feeling, something I can't describe.

But further than that, I never think about cheating on Neynar anymore. Of course I feel guilty, but not as often anymore because I forgot about it. Everything is perfect now with Neymar, Davi and Julie and Marc themselfs and their babies! I don't want anything, anything what so ever to be changed!

*No ones P.O.V*

"I'm nervous." Neymar said through the phone to Marc who was at his parents with Julie. "It's all going to be okay, don't worry. How are you going to say it anyways?" Marc asked curious.

"Today we agreed when Eliana comes home we will sit in our pj's and watch netflix. Then, oh by the way, not netflix and chill if you're wondering. Then when she's changed Davi comes in and he will say, you forgot to wear something and he will give the ring and then I come up and ask her." He said. "Wow" Marc said after listening to Neymar's plan. "Yeah, amazing right. It's just that I've been practising with Davi but he won't really get his sentince or timing right sometimes." Neymar sighed. "Who cares, he is in it when you're going to propose to her. That's cute." Marc said to insure him. "And pj's and the guy who she loves will ask her to marry her, I can't think of a reason why she would say no." He added.

"Yeah, especially the pj part. Makes it more comfortable." Neymar laughed. "Maybe you can involve your kids when you ask Julie to marry you. Two girls right? That'll probably make it a lot cuter than a son who can't get his sentince and timing right." Neymar said and looked at his son. "I didn't do something wrong. Am I in trouble?" Davi asked when Neymar looked at him. "No, just get everything perfect, okay?" Neymar said to him and padded his head.

At that same time, Eliana came in. "I'm home!" She yelled, not realising Neymar and Davi were sitting in the living room. "Gotta go!" Neymar said and hung up. Eliana came in the living room. "Already changed?" She asked them. "Yeah, now you change!" Davi said excited. "Someone is excited." Eliana said sarcasticly and went upstairs.

"Did I do good?" The son asked his father. "Almost, it's just that, that was my sentice and you haven't said yours yet." He said and took his son upstairs.

Neymar gave his son the ring. "Remember, when she is done you come in and say-" Eliana heard something on the other side of the door. What's that about? She thought. Eliana wasn't bothered by it and was almost finished changing.

"How do we know when she done?" Davi asked Neymar. Neymar kept quiet, he honestly didn't knew. Before he knew it, Davi was knocking on the door like crazy. "Are you done? Can I come?" Davi said. Neymar face palmed himself and then hide where Eliana can't see him.

Eliana on the other side of the door, was shocked when she heard a loud banging on the door. When she heard what Davi said she thought to herself how a four year old can even bang that hard.

"Sure, come in." She said. Davi opened the door. "Let's go." Eliana said and wanted to walk out. "Stop! Wait a minute!" (Full my cup put some liquor in it XD) Davi said. "You forgot something." He said and held up the ring. Eliana looked ay Davi confused. She kneeled to his length to look at it, when another hand grabbed it.

"Eliana" Neymar said and he went on one knee himself and...

End of this part! Thank you for reading and voting and...



If you're thinking I'm joking again, I'm not. This is the actual ending of this part. Next part I'll tell you the names for the babies and obvious Eliana's answer. (Or am I going to be a bee-ach and won't tell you...>3<)

A rather sad thing is, my idea of this story is coming to an end... I can't tell how many part there will be, it could be 3 or 10. I really don't know. I'm not quite sure, but I'm thinking of a sequel because of a reason I can't tell you ̄ε  ̄

College love, Marc Bartra & Neymar Jr [COMPLETED] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now