#31 little too late

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You were sitting on skype with your best friend Thomas, he had moved away to the us a couple years ago and you hardly got to see him.

The last time you were with him he promised he would come back, he told you it would be alright.

You see, Thomas wasn't always your best friend. He used to be your boyfriend, before he left for the US..

But both you and him couldn't take being away from each other for so long and after awhile, the whole long distance thing really just didn't work out.

You still communicated though, you were still friends.

But your feelings for Thomas never changed, they were stronger than before. You wanted to see him so bad, you wanted to kiss his lips and hold him close.

but all you could do was skype.

He had a few friends over at his apartment with him so while you sat on skype his friends behind him were fooling around.

"Guys seriously, chill" He said chuckling.

"NO" You heard Dylan yell from the background. (Dylan O'Brien

"sorry about that" Thomas said smiling at you.

"is alright, I understand." You smiled back and stared at his features, admiring his flaws.

but when you looked at his eyes, you saw yourself there, but you saw emotion as well. He didn't look at you the way he used to look at you, he didn't smile like he used to smile around you.

"Oh my god do you remember when we were little and even though we lived like two houses away we would skype all night" Thomas said smiling slightly.

"Yeah I d-"

Someone interrupted you mid sentence. "Hey Thomas!? are you ever gonna tell Bella about her?" Ki Hong yelled from the other end.

"Bella?" You said confused, raising an eyebrow and still having a slight smile spread across your face.

"I'll tell you later" Thomas said, his smile completely faded.



"Or I could just tell her now" Dylan smirked, popping into the camera view.

"don't you dare" Thomas snapped

"Thomas....." Dylan carried on

"don't" Thomas stared at him

"and bella..." Dylan still carried on

"Dylan.." He huffed

"are dating" Dylan finished his sentence and suddenly, something smacked you in the face. A breath of cold wind, a smack of reality. Hit you there, left you sitting with no words being able to fall out from your mouth.

You couldn't speak, a lump in your throat prevented you from being able to say anything at all.

Thomas just stood there, staring at you, waiting for some sort of reaction.

"you guys are dating though" Ki hong said from behind the camera.

Thomas just looked up at Ki Hong as if he wasn't supposed to say that and you knew.

"H-How lon-long" You choked out the words and you swallowed hard.

"a couple months.." Thomas said quietly.

You just nodded and your head went crazy. Contemplating what was going on, thinking about what was happening. You honestly couldn't believe it. You had spent so much time, dwelling on this person you loved, thinking maybe they still loved you. Maybe they still wanted to be with you.

But that's the thing.

They didn't.

They didn't love you like you loved them, Thomas didn't love you like you loved him. Thomas loved you once, not now. You loved Thomas, and you dwelled on him. Thinking he might come back, you dwelled on the fact that love was forever. Love couldn't change. So if love couldn't change, then nothing ever changed.

Thomas never loved you.

Or perhaps it was your fault. Maybe it was your mistake, your fault. Maybe you shouldn't have been so stupid, so selfish, thinking that someone could love you that much, thinking that someone could love you at all.

Or maybe you were just a little too late

Thomas Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now