He likes You

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Hey, in this you're bf is called James. Just for smooth flow reasons, I didn't want to keep putting Y/B. His name is in bold though, so it might be easier to change it in your head if you want to :)


He likes you but you have a boyfriend

"COOL PARTY!" My best friend screamed over the music.

"THANKS! DO YOU KNOW WHERE MARK IS?" I screamed back and took a can of soda from the fridge.

"TUESDAY!" My friend smiled, happy she could help and then danced away. 'Thanks,'  I thought sarcastically; the music was way too loud but no body seemed to care. 

It was the first proper birthday party I had ever had and so far it was going pretty well. I had invited all the new friends I had made in LA and a few old ones from my old home town. It was so awesome to think that I knew all these people. I moved to LA less than a year ago, with my boyfriend as he got a job opportunity here and I wanted to live closer to other Youtubers like Mark, who was still nowhere so be seen. I nudged my way through the guests and to the living room. 

"Y/N!" I heard a familiar deep voice yell clearly over the music. I turned to see Mark and his beautiful smile, pushing through the crowd to get to me; he seemed so happy to see me. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned once again to see my boyfriend. He had a bright pink party hat on and another in his hand.

"You're not wearing the hats!" He lifted it up to put on me.

"I'm not really a fan of pink!" 

"I can't have a birthday girl without her hat! You'll look great."I glared at the sickly pink hat as my boyfriend placed it on my head, but quickly smiled at him as to not hurt his feelings.

"Hey." Mark said as he finally fought his way through the crowd and stood next to me beaming still, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" He yelled and threw his arms up in the air for a hug. I hugged him and he suddenly picked me up, his arms wrapped around me.

"Hey! Put me doooown!" I laughed, "Just cause I'm the only one here shorter than you!" Mark laughed too and clonked me back on to the ground. He looked up at my hat and tilted his head, confused.

"Pink? That's not very you." I smiled nervously and looked over at my boyfriend.

"Well, I think she looks great!" My boyfriend put his arm around me and pulled me very close to him.

"Oh, I wasn't saying that you-" Mark fumbled, "You look beautiful! Just-"

"I'm James, her boyfriend." James held out his had and smirked at Mark. Mark took a second to react and blinked at James.

"Hi." He said finally and shook James' hand. They looked at each other, firmly and without smiles for a second. Mark's joyous face had sunk to a cold, hard one that I hadn't ever seen before. I looked up at James' face and saw a cold, hard expression that, strangely, didn't seem new or different to me. It was just the same old James

"Having a good time?" I asked Mark, desperately wanting to break the silence. Mark turned to me and opened his mouth to reply but James cut in.

"Yeah it's great! Good to meet all your friends." He quickly turned his head to Mark when he said 'friends' and spoke strangely, as if he was angry or something.

"Um. yeah." I said and quickly drained my soda, "Oh, I'm out of soda. One sec." I pulled away from James and rushed over to the fridge where my best friend was stood, slowly swaying to the fast passed music; she was pissed.

"Hey!" I whisper shouted. She turned to me, her eyes slightly glazed over, "James is being really weird." I snapped my fingers in front of her face and she seemed to return to reality somewhat.

"It's just cause *hiccup* he loves you.. You guys are perf-*hiccup*ect for each other." She continued swaying to the music, "With his little floof of hair and his cute glasses, you guys are greaaaat."

"James? James doesn't have glasses." She must have been more pissed than I thought.

"But MARK! Eh. What kind of boyfriend doesn't *hiccup* know that his girlfriend hates pink? HU!" Boyfriend?, "Dump him. DUMP HIM, DUMP HIM." She started jumping and chanting 'DUMP HIM' over and over.

"Wait! Calm down! Mark isn't my boyfriend, James is." But she couldn't hear me, "You're getting them mixed up. James is my boyfriend and Mark is the one with.. glasses and.." What did she say before? 'With his little floof of hair and his cute glasses' 

"MARK LOVES ME?" I yelled. BANG Suddenly, I heard a huge crash from the living room.  

 I manically pushed my way through the crowd to see what had made the awful crash. Finally I shoved my way through the large crowd that had gathered and saw James lying on a broken coffee table. MY COFFEE TABLE!- uh, I mean- James! I quickly looked to my left too see Mark panting where he stood, his fists clenched and his head facing the floor. He looked up at me and I saw a small cut on his lip.

Worried, I rushed over to him. "Mark!? What the hell happened?" I held one of his arms and scanned my eyes over the cut. He smiled at me.

"Why are you smiling you doof? Your bleeding."

"I'm fine." He just kept smiling at me and I smiled back. It was contagious, I could help but smile at his happy, broken face.

I heard a groan and looked over to see James standing up from his place on the floor. He was clutching noes and glaring over at us. 

Somebody turned off the music.

"I'm fine, too by the way!" He yelled at me. I had forgotten about him. I had forgotten about my own boyfriend. Why was I standing with Mark and not my boyfriend? But I remained standing next to Mark and remembered what my best friend had said.

"You know what, man?" James addressed Mark, "I may not know what my girlfriends least favourite colour is, but at least I HAVE a girlfriend. You're just alone." The room was silent as everyone stared at us. I hate silence.

"No he's not." I said quietly.

"Hu?" James questioned angrily.

I took Mark's hand and spoke again, "He's not alone." I felt Mark squeeze my hand, "But you are."



hehe.. ok.

It's that time again where I say THANK YOU.

We just hit 1.2k reads! WHAT? That's insane! This is my most successful book ever and I am so glad because I love writing it. So thank you everyone for all your reads ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Yeah!

I'm gonna start doing less romance based imagines, although I know you guys love them. I just feel Mark is sexualised a lot and I'm not exactly helping by solely doing romance imagines (although I have done some non romance based ones.). Ah well. I will still do mostly romance imagines but I'll throw in a few friendly ones here and there.

edit: ok I haven't exactly done this mediately but I WILL be making less romanceey stuff in the near future OK 


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