Save me the untold story of carlisle and esme

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Chapter one Esme
Fire shooting through my body. No wait i think its ice. Really its impossible to tell all i know is that it burns and it freezes all at the same time. I cant move. Im to afraid that if i move the pain will be worse and i cant take that. How long has it been? I try to force my mind to think. Then as if i had forgotten something my eyes shot open. I sholdnt have done that. The light was blinding everything appered to be larger then life. But i knew he was here. The beautiful man with the pale skin and light eyes. He was the last thing i saw before the pain engulfed my body. Now that i think about it i could have imangined him. I feel someone touch my hand but i dont dare open my eyes again. This must be my punishment for trying to jump to my death. Then fear took over me. Had i succeded? was i in Hell?

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