The Arrival

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The last time I'd seen Yousuf, he'd been bleeding and panting, hands on his knees to keep himself from falling over.

The last time I'd seen Yousuf, we'd had a swordfight. I'd won. Even if it was from a well-placed kick between his legs.

I'd won. And I'd never seen him again.

Until now.

     When I walked over to the table to watch my younger cousin cut the cake at his birthday party, the last thing I was expecting was to see a familiar mop of wavy reddish-brown hair behind my father's shoulder. I stared at it, trying to figure out who...or what, that thing was. That's when he moved over and looked at me. I froze, a bolt of electricity and recognition going through my body. Yousuf.

He lowered his head, looking at me as he grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. Me. At me.

Oh hell no.

      A war cry tore from my throat and I raised my plate of cake to throw it at him before remembering my manners. I put my arm down, but I wasn't fast enough. The plate fell from my open palm in slow motion, gravity pulling it down towards the head of two year-old standing in front of me.

My eyes bulged out. Awww....shitzle cupcakes.

I tried to grab the plate back, my arm shooting out in a blur. My hand hit the plate, sending it flying towards another kid. I cringed as the plate landing with a splat on the side of his face. Nonono. Crap it all!

      Someone shouted "Food fight!" and within seconds, the air was filled with paper plates filled with cake shooting across the room. Yousuf's eyes widened as he looked at me through the flying barrage of white sludge. A drop of icing hit his cheek and he laughed as he wiped it off with the back of his hand, winking at me before disappearing into the chaos. I felt something squish against my back, the wetness seeping through my dress. But I didn't care.

I stood still, deaf and dumb to the war going on around me. Only one thought was going through my head.

Yousuf is here. 


I hope you enjoyed this tiny little chapter! And so it begins! The story of Iqra and Yousuf. 

Tell me what you think! ;) 

Remember, regular updates start January 22nd, Friday! I hope you join me! 


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