Chapter Four, 1/2: Law of Attraction

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– Zach –

When I was in first grade, I used to have a habit of helping people even when it was absolutely unnecessary. I've done a range of things from getting lunch for a friend, helping a stranger plant a tree during a charity campaign and even rescuing a drowning dog, even though I couldn't swim myself. The latter is probably why I don't swim at all anymore.

          Today I'm one of the most unhelpful person I can think of, but I'd like to think I'm like this for a reason. It just dawned on me that if I can't expect others to be there for me, others shouldn't either, and that defeats the purpose for me to try.

          I'm not proud of thinking this way, though.

They say I'm a pessimist, but I'd also say I'm a realist. Besides, nobody can truly define what a realist should be, because reality is different for everyone.

I put my hands in my pocket and stand stolidly by the classroom door. I guess my unhelpful days are going to be over. I still can't decide if I should be stoked or apathetic, but I do feel irritated at myself for letting Ms. Montez sign me up for this.

When Terra was forced to fill in the sign-up sheet, Ms. Montez had this frightening look on her face. It was as if she will end me if I dared leave the sheet blank. I had the option to scout for other clubs instead, but with the lack of interest combined with Ms. Montez's threatening aura, I caved in.

Now, I'm going to be a member of the Glenworth Support Group, and Daniel has made it mandatory for all of us to wear this stupid neon yellow badge as soon as it's official, so people will 'know we are the supporters of Glenworth'.

I'm not going to lie though, I am a little curious about the relationship between Terra and Ms. Montez. If my intuition is right, Ms. Montez isn't the kind of person who chooses who to pick on by random. There has to be something about Terra that sparked her interest.

Come to think of it, I'd like to know why she is picking on me too.

Hesitantly, I push the classroom door open and take my now usual seat by the left corner, right beside the windows. It's the final class of the day, I might as well make it count.

The room is still relatively empty, with only a few students occupying the seats at the middle. Glenworth, as I now can surely conclude, is full of interesting people. Maybe joining the Support Group might not be so bad if it means I'll get to know more of them.

I slide a blank piece of drawing paper from my folder and pull out the GSG badge by accident. Studying it, I clip it between my two fingers and sigh. They could've at least chosen a less ugly color, though.

*         *         *

– Terra –

I wait for Abby as she finishes counting the small stack of sheets in her hands. It gets thicker every semester, I swear.

          It is already five pass four. The event ended more than an hour ago and the hall is almost cleaned up now. I would've left immediately after, but it is not as if I have anything better to do. Waiting for her seemed like a practical choice.

          "Sixty-one!" she announces. "That's eleven more than last year."

          "Can a club even fit that many people?" I frown while rubbing my head.

          "Well, unfortunately not all sixty-one will make it through." Abby smiles apologetically. "I wish that wasn't the case though. I don't think there was a single person who signed up that wouldn't qualify."

          "But hey, survival of the fittest, right?" I shrug. "That can't be helped."

          "True." She says as she passes Clarice the forms. "Alright, I guess we can go now."

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