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Yara's POV

"Yara get up. Wake upppppp!" I opened my eyes from behind the pillow, and saw Julez sitting on the bed. I smiled, and took a moment to realize I'm at Miss Tina's house. "My grandma said you've been asleep too long and that dinner's ready." He said. "Alright thanks." I said. He walked out and I went to brush my teeth again. I brushed my bone straight hair down for the final time, and walked out the room.

I went into the dining room, and greeted Solange. My mom saved me a seat next to her. "Beyoncé is now pulling up in the driveway." Miss Tina said. Julez got up to answer the door, and in walked Beyoncé. I still get a little starstruck when I see her because I mean...she is Beyoncé! It's not every day you stay at her mama's house.

Beyoncé's POV

I pulled up into my mother's driveway and slowly walked up to the door. I'm a little nervous to see Yara because it has been a couple of years. Julez opened the door and we walked into the dining room. "Hey everyone." I said. They looked my way and I started hugging everyone. I first hugged my mother, next Richard, then Solange, and finally Jennifer and Yara. I hugged Yara as tight and long as I could, before it got awkward.
After we prayed over the food, the conversations started going, and I decided to speak to Jennifer first. "So Jenn...how's your TV show going?" I asked. She wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin and smiled. "It's going really good so far. We already shot the first 13 episodes, and hopefully we're picked up for more." She replied.

"Are you recording any music, & congrats on the Super bowl gig." She added.

"Thanks. I actually am recording here and there, but I've really been low-key about it. The Super Bowl was a last minute decision. How are you Yara?" I now averted my eyes to her. She looked up from stuffing her face, and held up a finger so she could finish chewing her food.

"Ummm I'm pretty good. Filming Blackish takes up a lot of my time, & school takes up the other." She joked. "What do you like to do in your free time?" I asked her. I saw my mom smile at the end of the table. "I like to listen to audio books, go to the movies, see plays, hang out with friends...stuff like that." She said. "Wow what kind of plays you like to see?" I asked. I was really interested in the things she liked.

"I really wanna see Hamilton the musical in New York, but mommy says I have to wait until my report card comes." She side eyed Jenn. It kinda stung to hear her refer to Jennifer as "mommy." I shook it off though.

"Don't give me the side eye. If your grades are good like you say they are, then we can go." Jenn said.

"So what music are you into?" Solange said, jumping into the conversation.

"I like all kinds from R&B, Hip Hop, salsa, Pop, classical...all of it really." Yara responded. "Oh and I loved your last EP. Mom and I play it all the time." She remarked.

"Aww thanks. I'm working on new music that's about to drop very soon. I'll let you know when I drop it in advance;that is, if you can keep a secret." Solange said. Yara laughed and nodded her head. "Oh I can keep a secret." She said. "Oh I'm sure we all can keep secrets." Solange replied. We all looked at her crazy, and Yara continued eating the rest of her food. Solange can be so messy at times.

"So Bey do you live in Houston or New York?" Jenn asked me.

"I recently moved back to New York. Once I dropped that surprise album, I was living in Houston but now I'm back in the city." I said.

"I was thinking about moving back after American Idol ends." Jenn said.

"Really? How am I gonna finish Blackish?" Yara said. Obviously they haven't talked about moving of any sorts.

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