Ch. 22 - Death Wish

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Chapter Twenty Two - Death Wish


Groaning loudly, Raven laid back down on the bed. She was more tired then she was before sleeping, which shouldn't have been possible. The mattress felt welcoming, and the blankets were warm. Raven didn't care the pillow was flat as paper, she was comfortable. Her eyes drifted closed and she tried desperately to keep them open. In minutes, exhaustion defeated her.

Have you forgotten me so soon!

The voice was unrecognizable, distant yet booming, but it didn't matter who it was. Her eyes popped open and she sat up instantly. Raven cried out loud with panicked breathing, but there were no tears. No matter how hard she tried to produce the salty drops, it seemed they'd all dried up. In her desperation, she frantically looked around for a way to make the voices stop, but all she could see were guns. Fully loaded, easily accessible guns. She stood slowly with an idea firmly planted in her mind, but she never give it a name.

Picking one was tricky. Ghost only showed her the pistol he always carried on him, and so she only knew how to operate that one type, but now she was faced with endless choices. She glanced around at lever actions, pumps, etc but everything was way bigger than she desired. Noticing some shelving on the other side of the room, she stood to investigate. Raven didn't know if she should be relieved or disappointed to find the pistols she looked for.

With a shaky hand, she reached out and gripped the most basic looking gun. It's felt heavy as she carried it with both hands to the center of the room, examining it's black surface as she went. She pulled the slide back and checked the barrel. Finding a bullet lined up with the firing pin, she released the slide. As it clicked into place, she sighed and her legs buckled.

Raven found herself on the floor, sitting crisscross. Looking up at the ceiling briefly, she lifted the weapon to check if the safety was on. At that point, she was only stalling. Ghost wasn't the type to put a gun on safety.

Cradling the gun in her lap, she noticed herself rocking back and forth in nervousness. Quickly, she raised the gun to her head and stopped moving. Raven didn't even breathe as she took one last moment to think about... the choice.

Just exhale and squeeze.

She held her breath as long as she could before slowly letting her lungs release air. Halfway through her reserves she felt determined to end the psychotic game, and quickly let the rest of the her oxygen go. Her finger tensed, and squeezed the trigger.


"You should probably go get some sleep." Shadow absent-mindedly told Ghost.

The two were watching the news, but Ghost kept nodding off. Each time his head would drop to his chest, he'd jolt upright while sucking in air at unnecessary speeds. The man's military background gave him a strong sense of teamwork and duty. It was his job to keep everyone in their house alive and healthy. When Raven slipped into her catatonic state, he felt responsible for her well being. If something happened to her because he was too tired... he knew it would eat him alive.

"Yeah..." Ghost sighed without moving.

Hunter was cleaning out the basement, seeing as how there were no more living captives. The labor served as a decent distraction from his thoughts on Raven. Selfish bitch, he thought bitterly as he tossed the female captive's lifeless body in the back of the old truck. The noise of Hunter slamming the backdoor open against the wall and stomping down into the open basement rose Ghost from yet another involuntary nap.

Commercials came on and Shadow turned to him, staring him in the eyes, "If she's sleeping, you can use my bed. Your snoring's annoying."

"Your mattress is a giant, dried up, blood clot." Ghost complained while scrunching his nose.

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