Chapter 17

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You stood in the shower with your arms wrapped around him and your head resting on his chest and him hugging you and enjoying the warmth of his body touching yours and feeling his nice warm breath hitting your skin when all of a sudden he kissed your head and said

"I'm so sorry for what crystal did"

As he said that you lifted your head so he see a still crying you so he put on a sad look then said

"Gosh I wish I was with you when he died and I wish she didn't do that I am so sorry"

"It's not your fault you never knew and I wish you where mine when he did die but thanks for the support"

"Oh I bet your other boyfriend was better then me at it"

"No he wasn't to be honest he didn't really care he was to busy getting drunk and high, he never really cared for me all he wanted was sex from me"

"Oh so he was first"

"No you where"

As you said that he kissed your head and said

"I'm sorry you had to be with that guy"

"It's ok I want to be with you and only you"

As you said that he hugged you tighter then said


When he said that you pulled apart and when you did he cupped your face and wiped your tears then crashed his lips with yours so you wrapped your arms around his neck to only feel him pull you closer so you moved closer to only feel yourself being pushed against the wall and when you did you pulled apart and said

"I'm sorry Aidan but I can't"

With that you walked out of the shower got a towel wrapped it around your body then walked out of the bathroom to only hear Aidan turn the shower off and step out so you walked in the bathroom and sat on the bed with your back facing Aidan and the shower.

Aidan's pov
I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist and walked in the bedroom to see Y/N sitting on the bed with her back facing me and her face in her hands crying so I put on a sad face then picked up my phone and called Russell

"Hey what's up"

"Can you please tell Toby that me and Y/N aren't coming in today"


"Something is wrong with Y/N"

"What is she ok"

"Yea she will be just please tell Toby that me and Y/N aren't coming into work today"

"Sure and I hope she gets better"

"She will and thanks"

With that he hung up so I did the same then put my phone then walked over to Y/N, say next to her pulled her closer to me and rested her head on my chest then said

"We are having the day off and yes that's an order"

With that you hugged him then you guys just stayed like that for a couple of hours just crying and wishing you never had the life you had before you met Aidan and wishing you had Aidan before your brother died.

Ok sorry if this chapter is bad but please don't forget to vote and comment what you nothing and thanks for the votes on my other stories it means a lot 😘😘✌🏻️

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