What Happened?

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••Johnson's POV••

*Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep*

That annoying noise again. What is it? Where am I? Just then my eyes fluttered opened to see a white room which certainly isn't my bedroom
"Jack." My mom rushed over to me
"What happened? Where am I?" I asked trying to get up but flinched as I noticed my leg was in a cast
"It's broken." My mom said
"What happened mom? Where's Alex? Is she ok?" I asked panicking
"You need to calm down." She said

"I can't calm down mom!" I yelled frustrated
"She's ok, she's in the room down the hall." She said calmly I sighed
"But she doesn't remember some things." She said
"But she remembers about us right?" I asked
"She only remember when you guys left and came back, to her she's still dating Dylan." She replied
"No." I said frowning
"Mom I have to see her, I have to make her remember." I insisted.

"That could make it worse." She said I groaned
"What am I supposed to do? If she still thinks she's with Dylan then she must still hate me, mom I can't have her hating me....not again." I said burying my face in my hands
"I'm sorry Jack." She sighed
"I love her mom, I don't want to loose her." I said looking up
"You won't, I'm sure when she sees you she'll remember everything." She said
"Oh Jack, you're up." A doctor said walking in

"Yea." I nodded
"Well thankfully you only have a broken leg, which means you can go home." He said
"What about Alex? Alex Castillo?" I asked
"She's down the hall, she can't go home just yet." He replied
"Why not?" I asked
"She has a concussion." He said
"She hit her head pretty hard that's why she may not remember some things." He explained

"Can I see her?" I asked he looked at my mom
"Please mom." I begged
"Ok fine." She nodded making me smile
"I'll go get a wheelchair." The doctor said walking out of the room
"Just don't pressure her ok Jack?" My mom said. I bit my lip and nodded. Once the doctor came back they helped me on the wheelchair and rolled me over to Alex room
"Can I talk to her alone?" I asked my mom

"I'll be right here." She said opening the door. I nodded and rolled in
"Alex?" I asked
"What are you doing here?" She asked sitting up. She had a cut on her eyebrow and her arm in a cast
"What happened to you?" She asked
"I got in a car accident." I replied
"Oh." She whispered
"My mom said I got in a car accident too, but I don't remember." She said
"All I remember is going to the mall with the girls and seeing Dylan before everything goes black." She said

"You're still dating Dylan?" I asked
"Why wouldn't I be?" She spat I frowned
"No nothing." My voice cracked. Where's everyone else? That's the question I should be asking. But I can't. Alex means so much to me. And I don't want to be with anybody else but her. Why can't she remember us? About us?
"Jack?" She asked
"Sorry what?" I asked
"Where's Summer? She hasn't came to see me." She said

"I-I don't know." I said truthfully
"She was in the car accident too, along with Gilinsky, Sammy, Maddy, Jeannie and Daniel." I said
"What? B-But they're ok right?" She asked
"I don't know, when I woke up the first thing I did was ask for you." I said to her
"Why?" She asked
"I wish you remembered." I said
"Everyone says that! Remember what?!" She yelled

"That Dylan cheated! You guys broke up!" I yelled making her face fall
"W-What?" She stuttered
"You're lying." She shook her head
"I'm not, Alex he cheated on you when he found out that we knew each other and you never told him." I explained to her
"And how did he find out?" She spat
"You told him didn't you?" She asked
"You were there when I told him, how was I supposed to know you didn't tell him?" I asked

"He hates me now." She cried
"Alex he cheated on you that same day." I said
"Why? Was I not good enough?" She cried
"Alex you're amazing, he doesn't deserve your tears." I said
"I love him Jack, why would he do that?" She sobbed. She loves him?
My heart shattered at the thought of her loving someone else than me
"He wasn't the right one." I mumbled
"You deserve better." I added she sighed

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