Too Marry Or Not Too...My Decision.....

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Yeah right I knew what to do the moment he said that, I took three steps towards him and slapped him across the face.

"Adrian I don't know what happened to you, just a few weeks ago you would have never in a million years said half the things you have said to me. You have changed." He looked me dead in the eye.

"So have you." He began to walk away, but then stopped in his tracks. With his back to me he stated, "I'm sorry, if you hate me, if you don't like me, if you wish I was dead right now. I have changed, and I going to try my best to change again, but back into the guy you knew." He then turned and looked at me "because I love you." His eyes seemed to be boring holes in me, I had to look away and when I did he walked back in the house. I sighed in frustration; I had no idea what I should do.  I leaned up against the car; thinking about my opinions.

I knew no matter how long I thought about it, I had already picked what I was going to do...

3 months later:

I neatly put the napkin in my lap, and smiled a fake smile at the room of people.

"You look beautiful tonight." I turned my head to the side, meeting a pair of blue eyes, Adrian.

"Thanks." I simply said before looking away, I was kind of mad right now, I have no idea why…Lately I have been in a constant mood swing...

"What is that?" I turned back to Adrian. He was staring down at my arm. I looked down too and saw what he was looking marks, the ones E.J gave me.

"Oh, it’s just some marker markings, nothing really." Adrian looked at me with concern before he grabbed his napkin, dipped it some ice water and tried rubbing the markings off my arm. "I think it’s from a permit maker. I will get it off later." I stated, he removed the wet napkin from my arm.

"Okay but-" he was cut off by a clinking of a glass I looked up dad! I smiled in happiness, this is the first time I have seen him in about 3 months, when he saw me looking at him he smiled, not just with his mouth but with his eyes. I was happy to see him...but the moment I realized the last time I saw him we were arguing and he was trying to tell me he was...dying. I stared at him for a second, thinking he didn't look close to death, maybe he is getting better...

"I want to thank everyone for coming tonight," He started to say. "I know all of you are excited for tomorrow, when Adrian Salamanca and Vanessa McWright is to be married..." He grinned, but then his expression went serious. "I don't know if any of you have been informed but I have cancer...My last wish has and will always be to see my daughter Vanessa Juana McWright to be happy. I believe love and marriage will bring that to her, it did for me with my ex wife, Daisy, who is Vanessa's mom. Even though it was a marriage that ended in divorce; I never regret being with her, because in the times we where together it brought me much joy. Now I hope to see that with my daughter and Adrian, but my best wishes that their marriage lives much, much longer...." my dad continued to talk, but something caught my eye, in a dark corner of the restraint someone was sitting in a chair. The person was in a corner and the shadow covered their face, but even in the darkness that covered their face I could tell the person was watching, no make that staring at me. The thought of someone staring at me made me a little uncomfortable, I shifted in my seat.

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