Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Rose hurried inside and shut the door to her dorm, melting behind the door’s shelter, clutching her school books to her chest.

“Ooh, tell me Rosie, which boy has caught your fancy? It’s not Professor Montieth or Seyfried, is it?” a girl with dirty blond hair and red-rimmed rectangular glasses asked, coming out from behind a bunk bed.

“Agnes, why should I tell you?” Rose said fiercely.

“True,” Agnes nodded sadly, “you probably shouldn't, seeing as I have a friend over here.”

“Agnes, why would you invite someone into our dormitory without asking anyone?” Rosie asked impatiently.

“Well, because she’s more family than a friend.” Agnes said slyly.

“Tell me who it is, Agnes. Don’t go beating about the bush.” Rosie was impatient.

“Tee hee!” Came a giggle from around the bed. Through it came the face of a ghost-girl that Rosie had never met, but whom had had a ghastly fancy for her uncle when he was at school, and for all he knew, she could still.

The ghost-girl looked about maybe a year older than the two living girls in the dormitory. She had mousy, straight brown hair and big, ugly glasses that looked like glasses from the sixties or seventies. She was wearing Ravenclaw robes.

“Oh, hello,” the ghost-girl giggled.

Rosie just looked at the ghost, impatient and dumbfounded.

“Rose Weasley, meet my great-aunt Myrtle.” Agnes said proudly (if it might be seen as such).

“You’re the Moaning Myrtle?” Rose asked.

“The one and only. Well, except for those two Muggle Americans who I hear have made a band after me.” Myrtle said.

“Myrtle, why don’t you leave?” Rose asked.

“Because, this is a family reunion for me and my sweet neice-y, Agnes.” she said defiantly, though coated with a sickly sweet tone.

“Myrtle, that wasn’t a question. Leave. Now.” Rose’s face hardened.

“No.” Myrtle relented.

“Auntie Myrtle, I think you should leave,” Agnes suggested sweetly. “You know how those Weasleys can get when they’re mad.”

“Oh, I know.” Myrtle said, peering over her nose at Rosie. “Alright, I’ll go. Be safe.” She said to Agnes and then flew away probably to her miserable bathroom stall.

Rosie walked over and plopped down on her bed still wearing a disgusted and unamused face from encountering Moaning Myrtle.

“So...” Agnes weaseled her way over next to Rosie to get the deets. “Who’s the boy?”

“No one.” Rosie said quite moodily in Agnes’s opinion.

“Oh, then is it a girl?” Agnes raised her eyebrows like a pervert.

“No!” Rosie pushed her off the bed. “Don’t say such things! What is wrong with you, Agnes? I don’t rate any girls!”

“Okay, then,” Agnes slunk away, quite like her aunt. It was rather awkward the resemblance between the two of them. They both had long, mop-like hair, though the color was different between the two of them. They shared similar glasses, and a hook-ish, rounded nose. They had pale skin, a horrible fashion sense (not that it mattered much at Hogwarts, because everyone always wore their uniforms except for holidays, days at Hogsmeade, and weekends), and were both social outcasts. Being a Ravenclaw does <i>not</i> help with that for anyone. Luckily, though, I was already friends with Al. And luckily, Al was friends with a very handsome Slytherin.

Oh, what my father would have to say about my feelings for Scorpius. He might even have my head.

“Ooooh! Rosie!” a curly, golden-haired girl bounded into the room. “Tell me what happened!!!”

“Well,” Rosie exhaled heavily. “Actually, Eden, nothing happened. I... just...I have feelings for--oh, God! It’s so strong, Eden, but I cannot let anyone know. Especially not him. Eden, I think I’m in love with Scorpius?”

“Like what kind of love? Like, official love-at-first-sight kind of love?” she inquired.

Rosie bit her lower lip and nodded. Eden’s eyes grew large. “Oh.”

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