Time flies

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Seriously? I don't want to talk about it....
We used to be a family, a proper family. Got complimented on our togetherness, it was like the dream life. Me and Lucas met in London at a club. It was easy to fall in love when your only 18, very easy. I remember sitting near the bar and he came up to me and asked me to dance. I wasn't suprised  because he kinda looked like a hooker. But he was quite a gentlemen. After that we took a few (a lot) of shots. We exchanged our numbers and left. I remember him winking at me as I walked out the door. I think I was to drunk to know if he was signalling me. guess I just went with the flow. The next day I got a missed call. It was from Lucas. He left a voice mail saying " hey Alice just wanted to say that last night was epic and I really like you, just call me if you feel the same. You know maybe you were to drunk last night and don't really like me but just please give me a call if you have feelings." I paused and thought. Do I really know him well enough? Maybe I was too drunk yesterday to know if I loved him. Picture it like this: your in the present, and suddenly fast forward into the future. You have no idea of what has just happened and then this hot guy you met last night gives you an unknown voicemail and you really don't know what to do next. I couldn't just leave him hanging, so I texted him first to check I was doing the right thing. You know it's like you only have the vaguest idea of who he really is! I texted saying: "hi I know I met you last night, I'm very very sorry but I really don't remember you at all would it be ok if you tell me what happened last night?" I was waiting only a couple of hours until my reply I was so scared to see what he texted because he may say something I feel uncomfortable about. Anyway I checked and it said: "well we met in the club yesterday in London, before you got drunk we talked and got along. That's when the shots came in. We got drunk and started kissing. But hey please don't think I'm a hooker because the amount of girls I've turned down! I feel something special with you....." I mean I feel like I could have a shot with this guy and for some reason I forgot I didn't know him. However I couldn't just trust Him like that so I texted back saying: " maybe we should meet up, costa coffee perhaps? Get to talk about last night? Meet me there at 2:00, many thanks," he did reply saying: " sounds good" I just hope that I've made the right choice. He seemed like a nice person, right? I got changed into my skinny jeans, adidas jacket, Nike top and Jordans..... What? I'm only trying to make a good impression. I set off at quarter to. My nerves started to kick off it felt like there was a hurricane constantly spiralling inside my stomach. When we finally got there I saw him waiting for me he shot a smile. It was beautiful. He was wearing: a Nike top (like me ;-) , leather jacket, a perfect quiff wrapped in a bandana  and skinny jeans with Nike trainers. It was like my dream had become a reality. But hey, never judge a book by its cover. I don't get fooled by sweetheart talk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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