Chapter Seven •

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So I got separators (for braces) and they feel really weird. Like have chunks of chips stuck in between your teeth. I just wanted to say this but yea.... So enjoy reading!

The fighter she faced (His name is Guy, I'm dedicating it to an old friend) up top ^^


Ryan's P.O.V.

"H-Hi" I stuttered out, due to not talking to people regularly. I guess that surprised him as he took a step back with wide eyes.

"Your voice is beautiful." Now its my turn to go wide eyed.

"No, it's not. You're lying, you have to be...." I trailed off, but when I met Lewis' eyes all I saw was pure seriousness and raw adoration. That was when I felt lips meet mine in a love filled kiss.

"Is that enough proof" He mumbled, when I broke the kiss.



Well after that encounter with Lewis, I had to leave for a fight. I was told I would we fighting a guy named Guy. Weird name, but who am I to judge? My parents gave me a guys name for crying out loud.

At the ring I changed into a black hoodie with the hood up and black leggings. Looking into the crowd I swore I saw Lewis and his gang, but they couldn't be here without ID.

Lewis' P.O.V.

The boys dragged me to a fighting place called 'The Ring'. Very creative name. Inside it was dark to say the least. The room smelled of sweat and body odor, but also blueberries and caramel. 


Ryan's here? Why would she be here? Is she fighting? Graham growls at that thought. 

In the ring stood two fighters. A petite womanly figure gave off Ryan's scent but the burly man across from her gave off the smell of rotten apples. She was looking around, possibly looking for something when she met my eyes. 

Ryan has beautiful green eyes like the forest, this look-alike has icy blue eyes though. 

It has to be her though, she's smart and probably put contacts in or something, but why would she want to hide her identity?

My wolf started growling and snarling at the thought of her getting hurt, I let out a small growl causing people around us to look at me.

"Nothing to see here" I snarl at them causing them to turn away quickly.

Looking up I realize Ryan's opponent had joined her. He had fluffy brown hair and tan skin. And he just smiled at Ryan. My wolf had steam coming out of his ears by now. It looked as if she just smirked back. You go mate! And then the match started.

Ryan was smart and waited for the guy, as people were chanting I learned his name to be Guy. Guy started to get annoyed that Ryan wasn't making the first move so he took his chances and swung a punch aiming at her face. She easily dodged it and swung her leg out knocking him down. He just jumped right back up and delivered a punch to her face. The second my wolf saw the blood dripping down her face, he was ready to go on a murdering spree. Ryan just shook her head and smirked, delivering a blow to his stomach following up with a punch to the face and finishing off with sweeping his legs out from under him. She then, while he was stunned, pinned him and the announcer counted to three. And just like that my little mate took down a guy twice her size. 

She collected her money and left. I followed her to the alleyway behind the building. She seemed to be limping slightly which confused me as she hadn't hurt her leg in the fight. She leaned against the wall and I took my chance to pin her there. 

Ryan's P.O.V.

"That wasn't very safe now was it, Ryan?" My attacker questioned, caressing the side of my face. When the voice registered in my brain I realized that voice belonged to Lewis.

"Lewis" I breathed out.

"The one and only" And I swear I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" I tried arguing with him, but the finger laying on my lips shushed me.

"Oh Ryan there is so much you don't know..." He trailed off, leaning in. his lips almost brushed mine but made a trail for my ear instead. "And I so wish I could tell you. But trust me this is for your own good."

Lewis' P.O.V.

I had already asked my Beta, Marcus to get chloroform and he was on his way. Now all I had to do was get my little mate to stay here long enough for him to get here.

'Alpha, I have the chloroform.' Marcus to the rescue.

"Oh young Ryan there is so much you don't know..." I trailed off, leaning in. I almost kissed her but instead went for her ear. "And I so wish I could tell you. But trust me this is for your own good." And with that I brought the chloroform to her mouth. But my little mate is stubborn and she wouldn't breathe in.

"C'mon babe, I'll be here for you when you wake. Nobody will hurt you now." I said trying to make her breathe in. While she tried to hold out, she had to breathe eventually.

"I love you"



Ok sorry lil rant there...

So, I should be getting braces Monday, for you people in the good ol' America at least. And I want y'all to comment what color I should get? And tell me if it'll hurt? Pwease.... *Cue puppy dog eyes*

Well I still have Hell tomorrow or as you normal people call it, school. So yea.... Bye! Love ya, my internet fam! There I have your name!



"The Butterfly Project

1. When you feel like you want to cut, take a marker, pen, or sharpies and draw a butterfly on your arm or hand.

2. Name the butterfly after a loved one, or someone that really wants you to get better.

3. You must let the butterfly fade naturally. NO scrubbing it off.

4. If you cut before the butterfly is gone, you've killed it. If you don't cut, it lives.

5. If you have more than one butterfly, cutting kills all of them.

6. Another person may draw them on you. These butterflies are extra special. Take good care of them.

7. Even if you don't cut, feel free to draw a butterfly anyways, to show your support. If you do this, name it after someone you know that cuts or is suffering right now, and tell them. It could help"

-Idk who started this but its smart.

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