Worry, Pray, Hide

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Your View
I heard some noises. I opened my eyes to see Russia standing over a table drinking a shot of Vodka. I knew something was wrong. He never drinks in the morning. I sat up.
"Russia, are you okay?" I asked. He turned to me and gave me a smile. He came back to the bed and sat on the edge. I snuggled up into his chest. He kissed my forehead and caressed my back.
"I am fine," he said. I looked up at him.
"Are you sure, you usually don't drink this early in the morning." I stated. He sighed.
"I need to today." He replied.
"The meeting?" I questioned. He nodded once more as he hugged me.
"I do not want to go," He muttered into my hair. I giggled.
"Once it's over we can go out together and have fun." I looked up at his beaming face.
"Da!" He said sounding much happier.

~Time Skip~
We had both changed and had breakfast. After we said our good byes I headed back to the hotel room. I couldn't help but collapse on the bed. The medication was killing me. As I felt sleep taking hold, I began to wonder; What happened last night?
I'm worried.

Russia's View
I felt an ominous presence behind the door. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat as I opened the door. Once I was in I could feel Belarus staring at me. I tried to sit as far away as possible, but it still wasn't good enough. I wanted to bolt. Sadly though, the meeting began.

~Time Skip~
Most of the nations had left but some of the rest of us had to stay. I felt a bit relieved. Belarus wouldn't be staying behind. Though since I had to that meant that I couldn't spend as much time with my sunflower as I wanted to.
I watched as England and America fought with each other, while France only added more fuel to the fire. I also endured more of Germany's yelling. My phone vibrated.
I looked and felt the color drain from my face. It simply said,
"I know about the girl"
There was little doubt in my mind who had been the sender. I tried calling (f/n). No answer. I tried again. Nothing.
I quickly walked over to Germany and asked for Hungary's number. He gave it to me without batting an eyelash. I walked out of the room and quickly called Hungary.
"Hello?" I heard her ask.
"Hungary, it's Russia." I heard a small squeal.
"How did you-" I cut her off.
"Is (f/n) with you?"
"Yes she is, do need her for-" She replied but I cut her once more.
"You have to hide her, please." I begged. Hungary then asked,
"What's wrong? Is there a pro-"
"Belarus is going after her." I said. I heard a gasp.
"Don't worry Russia, we'll take care of (f/n)." Hungary said as she hung up. I leaned back against the wall for support as strength left my legs. I could only pray for my sunflower right now.  

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