excerpt #077

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you remember the thrill of
sledding down the plastic sled
you owned as a kid.
you felt like you were
going down so fast,
no one could stop you.
you laughed and laughed
all day when you reached the bottom
of the snowy hill.

you remember when you broke
your first sled.
you remember the fifth time you
broke your sled.
you remember all the time
you've broken a sled.

how your laughter would become tears,
how you would fall to the ground,
how no matter how many times
we try to pick the pieces up
there were always parts that we
couldn't pick up through our gloves.

and you didn't sled anymore afterwards.

you left the last sled you owned,
still haven't been used or broken,
on the snowy hill you used to
smile with laughter, and
you left it there.

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