The Joobenteenth (Seventeenth) Year Part One

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Joob learned something from going to prison.

Never get arrested. Because if you do, you'll be trapped inside a cell full of old pee and people who look like they want to rip your buttcheeks apart just like Poot did (and Joob too).


Joob sat down on the velvet couch and watched TMZ.

There was a story about the difference between Garden Hoes and Side Hoes.
Funny shit.

Justin sat beside Joob right after he finished his toast.

"Hey Joob." Justin said to Joob.


"My agents want to put you on a TV show."

"How do they even know I exist?"

"Well obviously they have all my information."

"No they don't. What TV show is it?"

Justin got out his pamphlet.

"It says 'Survivor': Two teams fight to the death to find out how long they can survive in the wilderness with people they despise."

Joob smirked. "I can't wait!"

A few hours had passed and Joob was already packing his bags.

He was going to leave as early as he could tomorrow so that he could finally be free from Justin and his girlfriend, Notalent.

Joob made sure he had the essentials;

A hot dog costume, a stick of butter, and his knife ;).

He zipped up the suitcase and sighed.

"Tomorrow is gonna be the best day of my life."

The night felt long to Joob. He only slept 3 hours because he was so excited.

But as soon as his alarm went off, Joob was jumping out of his seat and screaming.

Justin was already downstairs with a cup of coffee, ready to take Joob to the airport.

They hopped in the car and drove.

The airport sucked. Everyone smelled bad and there were too many fangirls for Joob to go an inch inside with Justin.

"Joob...I don't think I'll be able to go in with you." Justin said and patted Joob's shoulder.

"Okay. Bye."

Joob ran inside the plane and put the suitcase next to his seat so that no one sat next to him.

Finally Joob had arrived at Camp Jaboodydub.

A man who looked like Ken from the Bee Movie greeted Joob.


Joob slowly handed Jeff his bag.

"Don't look inside." Joob whispered.

Ken/Jeff opened the suitcase.


He got out the hot dog costume.

" chose a hot dog costume...okay then."

Then Ken I mean Jeff took the knife out.

"You don't need this."

The Story of Joob Bieber (ORIGINAL Joob/Justin Bieber  Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now