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Lydia's POV:

I woke up to the sound of speeders flying by, and I sighed. I was no longer tired, being able to sleep a whole night for once in a while left me content.

I rose from my bed, and kicked off the sheets. I pulled on my robe over my nightgown as I walked towards the window, looking outside over Coruscant.

A soft knock came to the door, causing me to turn around. "Come in."

Anakin walked inside as he opened the door. He sent me a smile as he bowed slightly. "Good Morning, Milady."

"Good Morning, Anakin." I smiled. "Did you sleep well?"

"Well, I didn't sleep at all. Master Obi-Wan said it was best if I watched for any intrusions."

I frowned. "You didn't need to watch over me, Anakin. I'm perfectly alright. Please rest for me."

He smiled. "I appreciate your gesture, Milady. But my mission is to protect you."

He is truly sweet. Not only do I feel safe around him, I feel something I've never felt around anyone before.

"I actually came to ask you something." Anakin said, crossing his arms over his chest after adjusting his tunic.

"Ask away." I said, sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Well, you said yesterday that you grew up wishing to become a Jedi, and your Father said that it was forbidden.. I spoke to Master Obi-Wan about this, and he had given me permission."
"Permission for what?" I asked.
"If you want to become a Jedi, that I can teach you."

I froze.

He did this for me?

"That way you can learn your own self defense if it's ever needed.. If I'm not around." He said, acting as if he dreaded saying that.

"Wouldn't I get in trouble with my Father?" I asked.

Anakin grinned. "You are capable of what you want to do. Becoming a Jedi is not forbidden. Even for a Princess."

I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth as I exhaled.

What am I supposed to do? I want Anakin to teach me, to show me the Jedi way. But another part of me doesn't want to deal with my Father.

But he isn't here.

"I want you to teach me." I spoke softly. "Show me the Jedi way."

His eyes met mine as he smiled faintly.

"When do you want to start?"


Anakin lead me down several corridors throughout the Jedi Temple as I followed him.

"This is the Training Chamber. We will come here whenever to train." He said, removing his cloak.

I nodded.

He walked towards a wall, and I watched in amazement as he lifted his hand, and the wall began to separate. Behind the stone, was another wall, with silver holsters.

As he lifted one in his hand, my eyes focused on the bright blue light that appeared.

"This is a lightsaber." Anakin said to me. "It's a Jedi's life."

He placed it in my hands, and I moved it around. The soft swoosh caused chills to run down my spine.

Anakin opened his pocket, pulling out his own lightsaber. Turning it on, he looked at me.

"Try to hit me." He said, holding his lightsaber down.
"Are you sure?"

I lifted my lightsaber, and swung it towards Anakin. He lifted his quickly as he blocked my hit.

I huffed at the extreme feeling I suddenly got. I felt different; stronger, more confident in myself.

"The Force is strong in you." He said as his eyes met mine.
"Same to you." I breathed.

We pulled back, and turned the lightsabers off.

"That weapon is yours now. Be careful with it, they are everything to the Jedi. And Obi-Wan will kill me if one more is broken."

I laughed. "So it's happened before?"

"I may or may not have had a malfunction on Geonosis years ago."

Both of us laughed.

I smiled as I placed it away in my cloak pocket. "Thank you for today. The tour, and the lightsaber."

"You're welcome, Milady."

"I assume we'll be back at this tomorrow?" I asked, hoping he'd say yes.

He nodded. "As long as you want to."

"I do, I enjoy spending time with you."

The same beautiful creases formed around the corners of his mouth as he smiled. "I enjoy your company, too."

After a second, I looked at the door. "I'll be going, then." I spoke. "I'll see you soon, Master Anakin."

"I'll see you, Milady."

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