Scout X Sick!Reader

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For DigitalArtANDGamingz. Never did anything with Scout. But we try something new everyday right? :3 Hope ya like it!

"Shit..." you whispered as your body shook from the cold. You were in the middle of an intense gun battle, and a terrible headache magically popped in, followed by high body temperatures and nasal problems, making it hard for you to breathe. Basically, you were sick...and unfortunately, it wasn't the mild kind that you can just sleep off.

"(Y/N)! C'mon, let's go!" you heard Scout yell from afar. This time, you didn't reply and you stayed low, curling up into a ball in a convenient hiding spot in the respawn room. say to yourself, happy with your work. There was only a few minutes til the match ends, and you knew it wasn't gonna be a big deal if you miss this one out. The guys got this. And sure enough, they did by two points against the opposite team. You coughed some more and groaned to yourself.

"Victory!" and that was the last thing you heard before giving in to a world of darkness and fatigue.


"Is she ok?"

"Leetle girl is red- do something doctor!"

"Calm down! She is just ill."

You groggily opened your eyes and felt the unsettling stares of the men onto you. You wanted to speak, but your throat was dry and sore. Nevertheless, you tried to sit up, only for them to push you back down.

"Ou shouldn't move too much, ou are very ill."

"You should haff come for zhose check-ups Frau."

"I know, I know," you whispered raspily, rolling your eyes, "no need for the blame game."

"Vell, ve haff no choice but to keep you out of verk for avhile," the doctor added and handed you his prescription, "and since tomorrow is ceasefire, I haff decided zhat at least one of us should supervise you."

"I'm not a baby," you grumbled.

"Ve know, but you are vulnerable. Zhat is vhy I haff instructed Scout to keep an eye on you for as long as you are sick."

If possible, you felt your face turn redder and you blushed. Scout? Him? Why him? Why can't it be....Pyro? or Engie?

"That's right toots," the Bostonian said cockily, "you're gonna have the best frickin' babysitter ever!"

"I'm not a baby!" you hissed, glaring at him. He only laughed and playfully ruffled your hair. "Sure you ain't sweetcheeks, how silly of me!" he then paused and smirked mischievously at you, "but you could be my baby."

"Give zhe fille her space Scout." Spy said sternly. Although his voice is usually more on the suggestive, sarcastic side, this time, you found no trace of either in his words. It sounded more of a command. A command for Scout to lay it off. As much as it looks, you really didn't hate Scout or had anything against him. On the contrary, you've grown fond of him and developed a crush on the man. Problem was, that crush turned into something bigger and bigger and bigger as the days went by until you realized that most of the time, you'd find yourself thinking about him more than you have intended. His face, his words, his voice, his sloppy pick-up lines; you've found all that very endearing, despite how much of a loudmouth he could be. But overall, he wasn't half-bad for a guy.

"Eh, go to hell Spy!" Scout spatted and continued talking to you, "so, it's settled then. You, me, all alone for a week. Ain't that nice?"

You forced a casual smile. "Sure is."

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