Chapter 37

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Hi everyone,

Thank-you soooooo much for the support guys:D:D I love you all for that:D:D

Presenting chapter 37 for you all….. which is dedicated to thisch1k:D


“There once was a girl who
found herself dead.
She peered over the ledge
of heaven
and saw that back on earth
her sister missed her too much,
was way too sad,
so she crossed some paths
that would not have crossed,
took some moments in her hand
shook them up
and spilled them like dice
over the living world.
It worked.
The boy with the guitar collided
with her sister.
"There you go, Len," she whispered.
"The rest is up to you.”
― Jandy Nelson , The Sky Is Everywhere




The hot rays of the morning sun were burning my back. I turned sideward, but now the rays were burning my arms.

Groaning I sat up straight and yawned. Even though I got up from a sleep I felt tired, like all energy was drained out of me. I stretched my hands to yawn and that is when I realized I was completely naked. I screamed loudly and covered myself with the blanket looking around the room only to see I was alone in the room.

What the hell happened last night? How did I end up naked in Rett’s bed?

Wrapping the blanket around me I got up from the bed and looked at the pieces of Rett’s shirt in the bed and frowned. What the hell did we do last night?

I slumped on the bed and tried recalling. All I remember was Trudy hurling insults at me and I was very pissed off at her, so pissed that I wanted to kill her.

I closed my eyes and placed my head on the lap and tried recalling but it still didn’t help. What did I do last night? But I also decided that I needed to clean myself first.

So I rushed to the bathroom, threw the blanket aside and went to take a bath. I was rubbing the soap on my left arm and then went to rub it on neck when I felt something strange in my neck.

Stupid thing, I couldn’t even see what in the world was it? Taking a quick shower I got out of the bathroom and checked my neck in the mirror.

I froze when I saw what it was. A mark. Rett’s mark? Rett marked me?

“Rett” I screamed his name while I was wearing my jeans. Bastard, how dare he? I told him I didn’t want to be marked. Then why did he do this?

“Rett” I called again louder but there was no response. I checked the entire house but there was no trace of him. I looked again at the mark in the mirror thinking that I was just imagining it, but no, it was there. He really did mark me.

Where the hell was he hiding now?

I couldn’t go to the pack house because they would sense my mark as soon as they see me. I wanted to hunt Rett and kill him. My wolf growled at me when I thought that.

Stupid female. I am sure she liked being marked by him. But then, how did I let him to mark me? Seriously what the hell happened last night? What did I do last night? Did I kill anyone?

I tried my best to think but it didn’t help. I knew a place that will help me and so I ran out of the house to the ocean.

When I was running in the beach I smelled blood. I knew that whosever blood it was it was spilled because of me. Suddenly I got very nervous.

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