Chapter One: Trippin' over the Bad-Boy

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I fluttered open my eyes, and glanced at the alarm clock, which was the source of the beeping. I turned it off, and got up, checking myself out in the mirror.


My long blonde hair cascaded down my back, not a hair out of place. My sparkling blue eyes stared into the mirror in distaste at my ugly appearance. My clear skin turned red as I blushed at how ugly I looked.

No wonder I get bullied for my looks.

I walk downstairs, but I don't see my parents. There is a recording on the voicemail of my phone. I gracefully skip to my iPhone 11, and click on the voicemail.

"HIIII! This is the policeee! Wassup?" says the voice. "So, like, your parents died in a car accident last night, LOL, #sobstory! So anyway, even though you're only 17 you get to live alone cos' we don't need any guardian interrupting you and your future lover! ROFLOL!" 

I crinkled my nose in surprise. My parents were dead? How tragic.

Then I suddenly noticed the time on the clock. "OMG!" I squealed. "I'm late for my Starbucks!"

I rushed up and put on the first thing I saw. A baggy sweatshirt, designer denim shorts and my converse. LOL, I'm such a nerd!!1! I also did my hair in a messy bun cos I can!!1!

I then go running out the door and to Starbucks. 

"One double chocolate, pineapple and mushroom coffee with cream, butter and custard." I said to the Starbucks Guy."Oh, and I guess today I'll be a little adventurous--can you make it"-- I lowered my voice--"low fat."

I heard gasps and felt like everyone in the café was looking at me.

OMG I'm such a rebel!

Then I realised what I had done--You NEVER say or think the word 'rebel' when the bad-boy of the school is in a fifty-thousand feet radius.

I felt a shadow go over me, and looked up to see a walking skyscraper towering over me. I gasped, grabbed my Starbucks (which was already made in the quantity of 5 seconds because I'm special!) and tried to run, but silly, clumsy me, accidentally bumped into the skyscraper and spilt my Starbucks on him.

I covered my mouth with my hands as my low fat double chocolate, pineapple and mushroom coffee with cream, butter and custard spilt itself all over Ryder Parker.

"OMG!" I spluttered. "I-I-I c-c-ca-ca-can-can-can't-can't-b-be-bel-beli-belie-believ-believe-I-I-I-J-Ju-Jus-Just-D-Di-Did-T-Th-Tha-That!" I suddenly got this weird stuttering problem.

"Don't be," he went on his knee's to meet my 3.1' height. "There was a prophecy that one day a hobbit would spill a low fat double chocolate, pineapple and mushroom coffee with cream, butter and custard! You are my soul-mate!"

"WTFZ!" I said, the Z coming in randomly. LOL, and my stuttering problem disappeared! "No, I can't be your soulmate!"

"You're more then my soulmate--you're my MATE, I'm a werewolf and for some reason I've imprinted on a human!" Ryder said.

"No, I will never fall in love with you!" I yelled.

"That sounds like a challenge," he smirked. "In the next week, I WILL make you fall in love with me."

"NO WAY!" I yelled, and ran away, only to fall on my face, breaking my flawless face.

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