He introduces you to the Ninja~Lloyd

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You were going to meet Lloyd's friends and family.

Were you excited? Sure. 

Nervous? Yes.

On the very verge of jumping of his dragon? Definitely. 

Your hands tensed around his and he looked at you with concern. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked and you nodded. "If you're nervous, you can just say so." He tightened his grip around your hand. "I'm just, what if they don't like me?" You asked softly. 

"Well, then they'll disapprove of our relationship and gonna feed you to Ultra Dragon." He said nonchalantly and you looked at him with wide eyes. He chuckled, amused by your nervousness and looked into yours. 

"Don't worry okay?" He smiled and you felt slightly relieved. It was a little walking before we reached his home. The second you walked in, you saw Jay sitting on the couch and waved at him. 

"Hi Jay!" You smiled cheerfully. "Oh, hey (Y/N)!" He answered and you internally felt relieved, at least he liked you. Now all you had to do was get the rest to like you. 

"So you're Lloyd's girlfriend." A voice from behind startled you and you jumped at least 4 feet. Turning around you saw a guy with brown spiky hair. "Um, hey?" 

"Hey." He stood there with his hands in his pockets staring at you while you stared back. Suddenly his stare narrowed and you mocked his actions. "What're you looking at?" He asked suddenly. 

"Depends, what are you looking at?" You asked, raising a brow. You stared at each other for a moment before you both had a fit of laughter. "You're okay, kid." He chuckled. "And you're okay too, old man." You stuck your tongue out. 

"Yup, she's perfect for you Lloyd." He said walking away like he couldn't care less. "Oh, so you're (Y/N) good to see that the girl Lloyd's been talking non-stop about is not a comic book character." A guy with black hair came in. 

"Cole!" Lloyd whined, "You promised you wouldn't embarrass me!" You giggled. "I like your family, Lloyd." You laughed as he huffed, regretting that he ever brought you here.

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