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"Simon, I'm fucking starving." Harry complained.

"Same." I agreed "Should we order pizza?" I asked turning to Simon. Usually, I didn't even eat pizza because I hated cheese with a passion. Ever since I was young, actually.

"What topping?"

"Ham and pineapple." Harry and I said simultaneously. We then broke out into giggles.

"That was weird." Simon laughed.

"Great minds think alike. Anyway, that's like the only pizza I would eat because it smothers out the taste of cheese." Harry shuddered,
making a face.

I frowned and looked at him sharply. What the fuck? Either this was a coincidence or this guy was reading my mind. I studied his face for a second, and a jolt of some feeling ran through my body. There was something about him that was sparking a memory in my head. But then it was gone and I shook my head to rid myself of it.

"Hey, you okay?" Simon asked,his expression concerned. I nodded and plastered a smile on my face.

"I'm fine, why don't we go to the shop instead of ordering?" I suggested,wanting some fresh air.

"HOLY SHIT." I screamed,opening the door. Simon jumped up immediately and rushed over to me but then stopped and smiled when he realised there was no danger. In fact,it was snowing.

Snowing. In London and it was beautiful. It blanketed the school grounds and lay untouched and unseen by anybody. It was like 1am so most people were in bed. The sight was so perfect and neat, I didn't want to disturb the whiteness with my footprints.

That changed when Harry strode out despite my protests and gathered snow in his hands. I realised what he was doing before Simon so I leapt out the way, meaning Simon got the full blow of the snowball.

I laughed at his bewildered face, snow dripping of his eyelashes. Then his eyes narrowed and he scooped up some snow and pelted it at Harry. I squealed in laughter because the impact had forced Harry backwards and he tripped face first into the snow.

Then my vision was clouded and I felt coldness trickling down my face. I gasped in horror and swung around to see Simon losing his shit, laughing hard.

"Oh you're on Minter!" I glared and then it became war.


"Please no have mercy!" Simon gasped as we cornered him with ready snowballs. I considered for a moment and he used this hesitation to pull the most adorable puppy face I've ever seen.

"Oh no way, you've gone soft Simon!" Harry yelled and smashed the snowball right in his face. I followed suit and soon he was on the ground squealing while we buried him in snow.

Harry whipped out his phone and started recording all of this and I have to admit, it was a night I wanted to remember.

"You know we didn't even get pizza guys?" Harry suddenly exclaimed,a face of horror. I laughed and dragged Simon up but he suddenly yanked on my wrist causing me to fall into him. I screamed and tried to get to my feet but he locked his arms around me in a vice. I was well and truly trapped.

"Willow, shut up." He said, smirking at me and I was confused because I wasn't even talking, and then it hit me.

"Make me."

Like that, all hell broke loose as this tattooed boy joined our lips together for the second time that week. His lips were blue with cold but as I slowly pressed against them they began to warm up. I couldn't feel the cold anymore, it was just us.

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