Chapter 12

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Justin looked at me as I said the words. "What do you mean by that?" he asked curiously. 

"Umm... nothing." I said, not yet wanting him to know I was her daughter. I didn't want him to reject me for something my mother did... NO! I needed him to reject me but...

"You are a strange cat Snow." He said, thankfully cutting off my thoughts.

I rolled my eyes as he said, "How about we look for a page about you." he said, teasingly.

"There is no page about me in here." I said, confidently, even though there kind of was.

"You want to bet?" he said, a smile on his face.

"Your on." I said.

"What do you want if you win?"

I thought about it for a moment then said with a smile, "A map of this place. And you?" 

"A date." he said.

"A date?" I repeated.

"Yes." He said, honestly. 

"Fine we, got a deal." I said.

He smiled and went to the back of the book to look for my name, but of course it wasn't there. He then got out his phone and punched some buttons, then glared, frustrated. 

"Have you ever gone by any other names?" He asked.

"Yes, Dove, I think I told you this already." He nodded then flipped to the back of the book, where he did find a Dove. Dove Rouge. He flipped to that page and sure enough it had stuff about me.

Dove Rouge is a rouge werecat who lives with Sparrow Rouge (Pg. 219) in the Canadian forest between the Lunar Claw Pride (Pg. 917) and the Blood Moon Pack. She normally steals prey from the area but has caused no further problems. She has no recorded history of her parents, or pride.

"Wow." I said, surprised that the book knew all of that.

"I know shocking that I was right." Justin said, smugly, "Guess you owe me a date."

"Not that. How did it know where I was." I asked. Justin just shrugged. I rolled my eyes as he got on his phone and hit some buttons.

"In other information you're wanted by over twenty packs AND the other three prides."

"What? What did I ever do to them?" I asked, shocked.

"I don't know but they sure didn't like it. Some are offering over half a million dollars for you capture." He said calmly.

"I didn't do anything! Well other than steal a few dear..." I protested.

"Do you want me to continue? Or do you have anything to confess?" He said, smoothly.

"You little--" 

"Now no name calling Snow. That just isn't dignified." he replied, calmly.

"Your face isn't either." I growled at him.

"So?" He said, "What do you know of Daughter White?"

"Nothing." I lied, if I was going down, it wasn't going to be like this.

"If you want to play it that way... I guess we can."

I shifted into my cat form and dashed. Not  a second later my lovely little tiger, rammed into me. I knocked over a bookshelf then charged him. He braced himself for my attack, but it never came. I leaped over his head and ran for the door. 

I knew he was chasing me, for I could hear his footsteps. I also knew I wouldn't outrun him for long, not like this. I ran down the hallways looking, then I saw it. A large window that faced the woods. He must have guessed what I was going to do so he increased his speed. 

I did too and rammed head first into the glass, breaking it. I tumbled out the window and into the woods. I ran as fast as I could, and as far away as possible. I finally settled down and cried. I didn't bother shifting to human form, since I'd just be naked. I laid there and cried.

When the tears finally stop, so did my energy. I was exhausted. I laid down and drifted into an uneasy sleep. When I awoke, I realized I had no idea where I was. I laid back down, trying to decide if I should cry some more. I trusted Justin with a secret and it almost killed me. I hated feeling betrayed.

I soon smelt a familiar smell as a black paw rested on my shoulder. It was Sparrow. He was in his cat form and laid beside me. I felt my body relax, and I went back to sleep. It felt good to be at peace once more.

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